Page 45 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 45

Samuel: Judge (4-7) after defeat by Philistia, Israel brings ark as a relic to ensure victory enemy afraid of
               YHWH, Israel’s amulet- danger! Fulfilling His word to Eli, YHWH allows defeat of Israel, death of Eli’s
               family, departure of ark. YHWH abandoned His people (4), but when Philistines bring ark into Dagon’s
               temple, He is shown supreme, overpowering Dagon, oppressing Philistia w/ persistent plague (5). Out of
               fear for YHWH, Philistia returns ark to Israel, as test and with token- guilt. Bracketed by disregard for
               YHWH, men of Israel look in ark, learn its danger (6). Samuel calls Israel to repent, serve only YHWH.
               They fast, confess sin and YHWH thunders to defeat enemy (7).

               Saul: Selection (8-12). As Samuel grows old and his sons grow corrupt, Israel requests a king to be like
               other nations rejection/reliance, Dt. 17. Ignoring ramifications, they reject God’s rule (8) God appoints
               Saul of Benjamin, anoints him signs, alters his heart, allots him as king (9-10) Confirming the choice, as
               Ammon threatens defeat and disgrace for Israelite city, Saul receives divine power to destroy enemy
               (11). Samuel concludes his ministry w/ challenge: retiring from public service, he promises restitution for
               any wrongdoing, rebukes people for requesting a king- cosmic sign, reminds Israel to obey God’s
               commands or face dire consequences, promising prayer (12)

               Saul: Rejection (13-15). The road from Saul’s selection to rejection contains three steps: (1) Though
               Samuel commanded Saul to wait 7 days at Gilgal (10:8), as Philistia musters, Israel scatters, Saul rebels,
               offering sacrifices for favor. Samuel rebukes Saul fool, God rejects (13). (2) In battle with Philistia, Saul
               shows disregard for divine presence- ark, foolish regard for personal vengeance- vow (14). (3) YHWH
               commands Saul to defeat, destroy Amalek for atrocity against Israel, but Saul rebels, sparing king and
               animals. Samuel rebukes Saul, stressing God’s rejection and priority of obedience. Saul blames people,
               shows fear of man (15)

               David: Rise (16-20). David’s rise from shepherd to king-elect is recounted in four steps: (1) Loved by
               God: assigned by God to go to Bethlehem, Samuel learns about vanity of appearance, anoints David as
               king- divinely elected, empowered (16) (2) Loved by Saul: God’s Spirit leaves Saul, harmful spirit
               troubles; David plays, spirit leaves Saul loves David! (16) (3) Loved by Nation: Philistines threaten Israel-
               center, Goliath challenges, Israel cowers Confident in YHWH, David conquers! (17-18) (4) Loved by Saul’s
               Kids David wins the love of Saul’s kids, Jonathan covenant, and Michal marriage so that when Saul plots
               to kill David, his own family protects and prefers David (18-20).

                       Saul: Demise (21-31) Out of fear, Saul begins to recklessly pursue David, accusing his servants of
               conspiracy, assassinating family of Ahimelech, God’s anointed priests (21-22). Tracking David in the
               wilderness, Saul enters cave unknowingly facilities, his men urge him to kill but David spares Saul (23-
               24). Saul repents but soon returns. Later, David sneaks in Saul’s camp, refusing to kill but rebukes Saul-
               fool (26). A seeming interruption, David’s meeting with Nabal- fool reflects behavior and judgment of
               Saul (25). Due to silence Saul consults a medium conjures Samuel’s spirit. Samuel rebukes Saul, foretells
               sure death. In battle, Saul is wounded, commits suicide (28-31).

               On the next page is a chart that is showing the narrative emphasis of the United Kingdom in 1-2

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