Page 49 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 49

wisdom, wealth and wonder! Examples are immediately offered: wisdom (babies, districts, knowledge)
               wealth (land, tribute, horses), wonder (surpassed, fame, nations) To fulfill YHWH’s promise to David,
               Solomon builds a temple- 7 yrs. time, size, order of palace complex?   YHWH stresses prerequisite
               obedience (6:11-13). With return of the ark, God’s presence returns! In his prayer, Solomon stresses
               YHWH’s foremost supremacy, Israel’s failed obedience and future hope in repentance (8)! After a
               second dream warning Solomon to obey covenant (9), further examples are given of wisdom (Sheba),
               wealth (golden era), wonder (excelled)- cracks?

                       On the next page are charts showing the different Kings, prophets/prophetesses, and
               comparisons to activities in the book of 1-2 Kings.

                                          DIVIDED KINGDOM “SCORECARD” (1-2 Kings)

                                   ISRAEL                                          JUDAH
                                   9 Kings                                     19 Kings, 1 Queen
                           9 Ruling dynasties (families                    2 Ruling Dynasties (families)
                               7 Assassinations                                 5 assassinations
                                   1 suicide                                   2 Striken by God
                               1 Striken by God                             3 exiled to foreign lands
                      All judged “evil” by the Kings Historian         8 judged “good” by the kings historian

                                    Baal (of the Canaanites) vs. Elijah and Elisha (of Yahweh)

                       Baal, as storm-god, controls rains           Elijah commands drought (1 Kings 17:1)
                 Baal ensures agricultural fertility and bountiful   Israel experiences famine and drought, yet Elijah
                                   harvest                       and Elisha provide grain and oil miraculously (2
                                                                              Kings 4:1-7, 42-44)
                         Baal controls lightning and fire       Elijah commands fire from heaven in the name of
                                                                  Yahweh (1 Kings 18:38; 2 Kings 1:10-12; 2:11)
                          Baal controls life and death            Elijah and Elisha raise the dead in the name of
                                                                 Yahweh (1 Kings 17:7-24; 2 Kings 4:8-37; 5:1-20)

                                   The Book of Kings

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