Page 53 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 53

David. He depends on YHWH, defeats enemies; but when he aids wicked, he meets wrath and ruin (17-

               David’s Dynasty: Jehoram-Hezekiah (21-32) The focus is Judah, with the theme: ‘You have forsaken
               YHWH, He has forsaken you!’ (5) Jehoram: Ahab- idolatry, anger- invasion and illness (21). (6) Ahaziah:
               Ahab- ally, anger- assassinated (22). (7) Joash: saved- Athaliah, reforms/restore- Jehoiada,
               abandon/assassinate (d)- son/priest Zechariah (22-24). (8) Amaziah: not whole heart- depends and
               defeats departed and defeated (25). (9) Uzziah’s: as long as he sought YHWH, he succeeded power,
               pride, punished (26). (10) Jotham: powerful as he was pleasing to YHWH (27). (11) Ahaz: Ahab- adultery,
               spiritual and political, anger defeated/distress, Assyria (28) (12) Hezekiah: way of David, seeking YHWH
               with all heart, restores temple/worship, removes idolatry; depends on YHWH- Assyria, delivered; test,
               no fail- Babylon (29-32).

               David’s Dynasty: Manasseh-Exile (33-36) Out of love, YHWH persistently sent His prophets, but Judah
               despises His words until wrath! (13) Manasseh: evil like nations exiled; repentance, fidelity- restored.
               (14) Amon: evil, no repent- killed (33). (15) Josiah: ways of David, removes idolatry, restores temple-
               Passover, rediscovers Law, repents, renews covenant (34-35). (16) Josiah’s sons: Jehoahaz- evil, exiled to
               Egypt; Jehoiakim- evil, invaded- Babylon; Jehoiachin- evil, exiled to Babylon; Zedekiah- evil, no repent-
               exiled, Zion burned; Cyrus!

                                   The Books of Chronicles

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