Page 50 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 50


               prophets                      kings                               Reference
               Nathan                        David,Solomon                       1 kings 1
               Ahijah                        Solomon,Jeroboam,Abijah             1 kings 11:26-40;14:1-16
               Man of God                    Jeroboam                            1 kings 13:1-10,20-32
               “Lying prophet”               jeroboam                            1 kings 13:11-19
               jehu                          Baasha, Elah                        1 kings 16:1-4,12-13
               Elijah                        Ahab,Ahaziah,Jehoram                1 kings 16:29-19:21; 2 kings 1:1-
               Elisha                        Ahaziah,Jehoroam,jehu,Jehoahaz,Jehoash  2 kings 2:13-8:15; 13:14-21
               Zedekiah and other” lying     Jehoshaphat,Ahab                    1 kings 22:5-12
               Micaiah                       Jehoshaphat,Ahab                    1 kings 22:13-28
               jonah                         Jeroboam 11                         2 kings 14:25
               Isaiah                        Hezekiah                            2 kings 19-20
               Huldah                        Josiah                              2 kings 22:14-20

               1 Kings 11 focuses on Solomon’s demise. Despite YHWH’S prohibition of intermarriage, Solomon takes
               foreign wives, allowing them to turn his heart away from YHWH to idolatry. For this covenant violation,
               YHWH promises to tear away the kingdom from David’s line (cf. 1 Sam 15:28), raising up external (Edom,
               Syria) and internal conflict. Through Ahijah, YHWH promises to build Jeroboam sure house- ten tribes, if
               he will obey YHWH. He also promises to punish David’s offspring, but not forever- 2 Sam. 7!

               1 Kings 12-16 narrates Israel’s decline (both spiritually and morally) from Jeroboam-Ahab moving from
               bad-Worse.  After crowning Solomon’s son, Israel sends a delegation to ask him to lighten their
               workload. When Rehoboam unwisely follows directive of young friends, his harsh response leads to
               division, at sovereign direction of YHWH. Jeroboam is made king of Israel, but despite seeing God’s
               retribution on Solomon’s idolatry, Jeroboam reinforces division to protect his own rule/life, installing
               new gods, worship sites, priests and feast (12). Though God’s prophet rebukes his sin- altar/hand [Hope:
               repent restored], Jeroboam is unchanged. For Jeroboam’s rebellion, YHWH decrees his house will be cut
               off. His son falls ill and God’s prophet rebukes king’s idolatry, repeats end of royal line, reveals coming
               exile. While he cut off house of Jeroboam, Baasha and the next four kings of Israel walk in same way-
               Jeroboam climaxing w/ Omri and Ahab, who did more evil than all before (13-16). Rehoboam and son
               were idolaters, and Asa struggled to trust YHWH

               1 Kings 17- 2 Kings 8 narrates the prophet’s challenges! Elijah: YHWH vs. Baal (1 Kings 17-19). From the
               beginning, Elijah confronts Israel’s Baal worship! He enters abruptly to predict 3 yr. drought! Ironically,
               Elijah finds greater faith in YHWH in Sidon than Israel! When Elijah returns, he rebukes Ahab Troubler of
               Israel, you have abandoned YHWH and challenges Baal! Rebuking syncretism limping two opinions,
               Elijah calls Israel to a test at Carmel: the one who rains fire to consume sacrifice will be proven God.
               YHWH is victorious! After killing prophets of Baal, Elijah flees to Sinai, where YHWH meets fatigue w/
               rest, despair w/ assurance, commissioning him to finish race well! Prophet: YHWH vs. Ahab (1 Kgs 20-2
               Kgs 1) Focus still on supremacy section shifts to the king! (1) Syria sieges Samaria, YHWH’s prophet twice
               promises victory to show supremacy- you will know. When Ahab makes treaty, prophet condemns Ahab
               your life will be for his life. (2) After Naboth refuses to sell family land to king, Jezebel stresses power,
               arranges Naboth’s death. When Elijah confronts/ condemns king- disaster, Ahab genuinely repents and
               God delays- hope! (3) Ahab wars w/ Syria, reluctantly seeks YHWH, Micaiah foretells death return in
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