Page 15 - The Importance of Prayer Student Textbook
P. 15
7. What is Psalm 37:4 teaching?
8. According to Galatians 2:20 the victorious Christian life is lived out of what?
9. How many things did Jesus do on His own initiative?
10. Apart from the Father how many things can we do?
11. What exactly is the invitation to follow Jesus?
12. What is it called to embrace a certain rabbi’s teaching?
13. What is prayerlessness saying?
14. What is a self-effort prayer that is very cleverly disguised?
15. Prayer is in large part a matter of creating in ourselves a right attitude with respect to what?
16. What will a search of every major religion discover?
17. God’s word and His actions are what?
18. How did Jesus described His ability apart from the Father?
19. It is possible to form a biblical theology of prayer that just draws from individual passages?
20. How does scriptures define the Calvinist and the Armenian point of view regarding prayer?
21. Should we argue with God in prayer?
22. What did R. A. Torey said about the fires of our prayers?
23. Know what God says about the victorious Christian life?
24. The primary call on my life is not to do something for Jesus; the primary call on my life is to
25. Henry Blackaby warns us that “We are so activity oriented that we assume we were saved for a task
we are to perform rather than a __________ to enjoy”.
2.5 Let’s Personalize This Lesson...
I am thankful for a commentary series entitled The NIV Application Commentary and their
emphasis on life application of the ancient text to today’s world. They emphasize it is not
enough to know and expound on the original meaning of the ancient text. They believe that
there must be a bridge built between the world of the Bible and the world of today. They ask
you to take what you learn about Jerusalem, Ephesus, or Corinth and apply these truths to New
York, Las Vegas, Harare, and Lusaka. In order to achieve these goals, you must do the following.
Identify contemporary situations, problems or question that are truly comparable to those faced by the
original audience. Because contemporary situations are rarely identical to those faced in the original
text you must look for analogies (a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects)
that you can make life applications to the ancient text.
Look for personal applications but think beyond private concerns and look to society and culture at