Page 17 - The Importance of Prayer Student Textbook
P. 17
Study Section 3: Dangerous Prayers
3.1 Connect
Now that we have discovered that taking up the yoke of the master is light lets now begin to
explore a dangerous prayer. In my preparations for this writing assignment I read a book that
rocked my prayer life. It is entitled Dangerous Prayers: Because Following Jesus Was Never
Meant To Be Safe. The number one question that people ask me about my work in Africa is
this, “Is it safe”? The first time I answered this question I was very candid and said, “where
does the Bible teach a safe theology”. If the truth be told, all of us want to serve Jesus and also
remain in a safe environment in all areas of our life. But to
be a Christ follower it will take us out of our comfort and
safety zones over and over again. The author Craig
Groeschel challenges Christians to examine their lives and
look at your prayers to see if you are praying safe prayers.
Such prayers as, Lord bless my food, give me safety as I drive
to work, thank you for my good health and a good job. Craig
encourages us to pray these three Dangerous Prayers. They
are Search Me, Break Me, and Use Me. Let’s look at these
three Dangerous Prayers.
3.2 Objectives
1. The student should be able to recite Psalm 139:23-24 and begin to pray this dangerous
2. The student should be able to do a self-reflection time, praying this prayer, and write
down what the Holy Spirit speaks to you about.
3. The student should be able to take reflection question number two through their prayer
journaling and clearly organize their safe prayers from dangerous prayers. You must ask
yourself which prayers reflect my prayer times.
3.3 1 Search Me oh God
God so longs to have a close intimate relationship with you! But what most of us do not realize
is that our heart is desperately wicked. Jeremiah 19:9 says, The heart is deceitful above all
things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Even after we come to faith in Christ our
hearts are prone to wonder back into the things which are in the heart of every person. This is
the description of the human heart according to Matthew 15:19. For out of the heart proceed
evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. If you think
you have grown beyond these evil actions because of your dedication and commitment to our Lord, He
gives us a warring in I Corinthians 10:12, Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. I do not