Page 3 - The Importance of Prayer Student Textbook
P. 3

The Importance of Prayer
                                                     By Mark Patton, M.R.E.

                                     Study Section 1: Developing A Theology of Prayer

                       Connect 1.1

                       Theology is nothing more than the study or science of God. The primary source of our study is
                       the canonical scriptures found both in the Old and New Testaments. Therefore, a
                       comprehensive theology of prayer must be systematic, and our focal point must be upon the
                    sovereignty of God. That is, it draws on the entire Bible. It is impossible to form a Biblical theology
                    of prayer that just draws from individual passages that are isolated one from another. Recognizing
                    that the use of the historicity of the Bible, contextualization, and the use of language will all help us
                    arrive at a Biblical doctrine of prayer that rightly divide the words of truth.

                     1.2 Objectives

                     1.  The student should be able to write out a basic theology of prayer.

                     2.  The student should be able to discuss the tensions found in the theology of prayer.

               3.  The student should be able to define the two primary divisions found in most contemporary writers
               on prayer.

               1.3 Defining A Theology of Prayer

                      Millard Erickson writes in his book on Christian Theology the following. One problem that has
                      concerned thoughtful Christians when considering the nature of providence is the role of prayer.
                      The dilemma stems from the question of what prayer really accomplishes. On the one hand, if
                      prayer has any effect on what happens, then it seems that God’s plan was not fixed in the first
                      place. Providence in some sense depends on or is altered by whatever and how much someone
               prays. On the other hand, if God’s plan is established and He will do what He is going to do, then does it
               matter whether we pray?... We need to note two facts: (1) Scripture teaches that God’s plan is definite
               and fixed – it is not subject to revision; and (2) we are commanded to pray and taught that prayer has
               value; (James 5:16) but how do these two facts relate to each other?... Thus, prayer does not change
               what He has proposed to do. It is the means by which He accomplishes His end. It is vital, then, that a
               prayer be uttered, for without it the desired result will not come to pass… Prayer is in large part a matter
               of creating in ourselves a right attitude with respect to God’s will… Prayer is not so much getting God to
               do our will as it is demonstrating that we are as concerned as is God that His will be done.

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