Page 5 - The Importance of Prayer Student Textbook
P. 5

image of God (Gen1:26-27) and that God by instinct has created an awareness of His divinity in all of the
               created order. (Rom1:19-20) With this in view we can loosely define prayer as a personal response to
               the knowledge of God. But God longs for a deeper encounter with Himself than just an awareness that
               He exist. He longs for us to become His children by placing our faith and trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord
               and savior.  (John 1:12, John 3:16, John 5:24) Once we trust Christ as our personal Lord and savior the
               Bible recognizes us a newborn babe in Christ. (I Peter 2:2) According to this verse God provides
               nourishment in His word so that these newborn babes can grow. This relationship will continue to grow
               as you are committed to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (2 Peter

               In Keller’s book, Prayer Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God, he points out that most writers
               approach prayer from two positions. The first is that prayer is a tool that God can use to move us into a
               deeper love relationship with Himself. I will begin this exploration of prayer by spending a great amount
               of time on the importance of this aspect of prayer. The second group of Christian writers’ approach
               prayer from a position that, prayer is a spiritual warfare. Everyone recognizes that there is a spiritual
               war going on but there is a wide variation of thought and interpretation on this issue. I will deal with this
               subject later.

               As we begin our study of prayer, we must realize that one volume cannot exhaust the depth of the
               richness that prayer encompasses. Therefore, I am going to approach this subject as an introductory
               course on prayer. I have wanted to elaborate on the various topics and aspects of prayer but again it is
               beyond the scope of this volume to do so. Personally, I was shocked as I began my studies to discover
               just how many books have been written on this subject. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will use this
               course to ignite a lifelong passion for prayer and the study of it in your lives.

                                   Prayer – What is Prayer?

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