Page 62 - The Importance of Prayer Student Textbook
P. 62
6. What is a good definition of intercessory prayer?
7. Why are prayer partners important?
8. What is an imprecatory prayer?
8.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: Have you ever heard of imprecatory prayers. There is a lot of injustice in the world.
Think about all the children who are stolen every year and funneled into sex trafficking.
Think about all the abortions that occur where innocent babies are killed out of convenience.
Think how politicians take advantage of their offices and take bribes to continue in power.
Think about all the millions of people in the world that are duped into believing in a false religion.
Imprecatory prayers are on behalf of these injustices that abound. We need to pray that God will bring
about justice on behalf of the innocent! Give it a try. Take time right now to pray an imprecatory