Page 7 - Family Life Student Textbook
P. 7

Though our selfish tendency is often to want to be independent from one another,
               God’s word says we are dependent upon our mate. Generally, it is not good for a
               person to live alone. For instance, studies show that men do not take care of
               themselves when they are alone as well as when they are married. They don’t dress as
               well; they don’t eat as well. Having a wife is usually good for a husband.

               Now let us talk a bit about being single. There are many people in this world who will
               never get married. Some will lose their mate and continue to live as a single. In a sinful
               world, much of life is less than the ideal. When a person finds himself in a single state,
               as the apostle Paul did, they will need to learn to be content as a single. God is uniquely
               able to meet all their needs. God will provide them with sweet fellowship with other
               people and he will be there to comfort them, provide for them, and be that close friend
               to them.

               However, God’s general design is that he created a man to have a wife and a wife to have a husband.
               Marriage mirrors God’s image and fulfills a divinely created need within mankind. God placed in man a
               normal desire to be married. Therefore, I encourage all singles to be patient while waiting for God’s proper
               timing. I would encourage them to pray asking God to lead and direct them. And if it is God’s plan for them
               is to be single, he will not only bless them in their singleness, but he will also provide for them and use them
               in the wonderful design he has planned for their life. Singles should not feel that they are any less special to
               God. They are extremely valuable to God and he has a unique and special job for them to do.

               But while he was alone, Adam did not adequately reflect God’s image. Together, Adam and Eve more
               adequately reflect God’s image and fulfill God’s general plan for humanity.

               3. To multiply a godly heritage:

               God designed marriage to be the most basic unit of society.
               And that design includes reproduction and nurture of children.

                       Genesis 1:28a “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be
                           fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and
                           subdue it.’”

               God created mankind to worship him, to fill the earth, and to
               manage it. His design includes the continuation of the human
               race through reproduction. And God commanded parents to
               train their children and nurture them to know God and to
               worship him.

               If marriages decline, society cannot help but decline. Because
               marriage is the most basic unit of society, trouble in the relationship of marriage will bring trouble into the
               family, which will result in troubled children. These troubled children will, in turn, produce more troubled

               But God’s design is for godly parents to train up the next generation to obey and serve Him. When mankind
               became too evil in the time before the flood, God saved Noah and his family on the ark from the destruction
               of the rest of mankind. Then Noah and his family begin a new and more godly line.  Later, God chose
               Abraham and made a covenant with him and his descendants. He instructed Abraham to train future
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