Page 8 - Family Life Student Textbook
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generations to be in a unique relationship with Him. God’s commands to train up our children to follow God
still apply today. We will talk more about how to accomplish this under the section on parenting.
We need to be sensitive here to the childless couple. There are some husbands and wives to whom God
does not give biological children. This can be very painful. This is part of living in a sinful, fallen world. Sharon
and I understand this pain very well. Although we wanted biological children, God did not choose to give us
that gift. It was very tempting to question whether God did not count us worthy enough to be parents. It
was easy to compare ourselves with other couples to whom God gave biological children.
Praying and waiting for a child can be difficult. Celebrating Mother’s Day at church can be painful for these
couples. We need to be very sensitive to them. Encourage them that God knows their situation. Assure them
that being childless is not a punishment upon them. While we do not always understand God’s will for our
lives, we need to trust him. Though God’s general command is to be fruitful and multiply, the couples who
desire to have children but are not able to have them, are not being disobedient to God.
One option for the childless couple is to adopt children. Sharon and I adopted Cristy and Kimberly at the
time of their birth. God blessed us with these precious gifts. We raised these two girls as our very own
children. The joy they brought into our lives overcame the pain and grief of having been childless. We would
not trade them for any other children, and we see how wonderful and special God’s plan was for us. And we
made sure our girls knew how special they were to us. There are usually many children who would like to be
a part of a family. We, as Christian leaders, should encourage and help these parents in their attempt to
adopt children.
What is the Purpose of Marriage?
1.4 Let’s Practice…
1. Who created marriage?
2. What are the three major purposes for marriage?
3. How does marriage reflect God’s image?