Page 23 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 23

Bible History – Joseph Master of Dreams

               3.4 Let’s Practice…

                       1.  What are the two other terms you can use in place of Pentateuch?

                       2.  Give six reasons why the Pentateuch is critically important?

                       3.  Explain in your own words why the book of Genesis is a foundational book? Include

               4.  Show how the New Testament is dependent on Genesis the Old Testament?

               5.  What does “proto-evangelion” mean?

               6-7.  Jacob’s name means what?  How did he live up to his name?

               8.  What does the name, Israel, mean?

               9. The Israelites were in bondage in Egypt for how many years?

               10. What does the Passover signify?

               11. What is the significance of Tabernacle?

               12-16. List of the five major sacrifices that were offered by the Israelites and the reason or occasion for

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