Page 24 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 24

17-20. The following special days are celebrated by the Jews, write out what they commemorate?
               a. Passover
               b. Pentecost
               c. Day of atonement
               d. Feast of Tabernacles

               21-23. Numbers is divided into three main themes. What are they?

               3.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…

                      God created everything we see. He also chose a special people (the Israelites) to be instruments
                      who will reveal his character to the rest of the world. He delivered them from Egypt with
                      wondrous miracles so that they can worship him in the wilderness. However, they disobeyed
                      him and started worshipping man made images. What does the Pentateuch reveal about of
                      God? What does his character mean to you? Before reading the Pentateuch, what thoughts did
               you have regarding:- creation, the Israelites, Moses and the character of God? What has changed in your
               personal life after studying the pentateuch?  How do you plan to teach the revelation of God’s character
               in the Pentateuch?

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