Page 28 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 28

Chapters 19-40 focus on God revelation of himself to his people

               When they Israelites arrived at Sinai God gave the Israelites through Moses the covenant and law (Ten
               Commandments). Through the Law God revealed his Holiness and the sinfulness of man. God also
               provided instruction how Israelites (sinful people) could live in the presence of the Holy God. In the
               instructions, God also included rest, the Sabbath day. The Sabbath was a great sign of God’s love and
               concern for his people. The Covenant was sealed with the blood and the people responded saying that
               they would do everything written in the Law.

               God instructed Moses to build a tabernacle (the one he showed him). The Tabernacle is very significant
               place for the Israelites community because it symbolized God’s presence among them but also place
               they would go to worship.

               Moses’ leave to receive more instructions from God left the Israelites in suspense and they needed to be
               kept in check. They decided to Rebel against God and Moses and influenced Aaron into a making an idol.
               They made a Golden Calf.  Moses came down stopped this rebellion and ordered that all who were not
               willing to follow the Lord be killed. In that day, the Levites where officially set apart for the work of God
               in the Tabernacle.

               The Tabernacle was finished, and God’s presence/glory filled it. God presence among the people was
               both good and dangerous. It was good because it provided way for receiving grace from God
               (forgiveness through atonement). It was dangerous because sin was against God’s Holy presence.

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