Page 34 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 34

Study Section 5:  Numbers and Deuteronomy

               5.1 Connect

                          Have you ever gotten lost?  I have!  Once when driving to a conference I got so lost that I
                          ended up in another country!  It took hours to find my way back to the destination.  It was a
                          frustrating experience.  The children of Israel got lost in their journey to the Promised Land,
                          but it was their own fault.  They arrived at the border, but because of unbelief, refused to
                          enter the land.  They did not trust God to take care of them and fight their battles, as He
                          promised to do.  Because of unbelief, they wandered in the wilderness for 40 additional
               years until every person living who were disobedient died, save for two of the spies.  Wandering in a
               desert was really the ultimate journey in lostness.  Today in our study, we will see how the books of
               Numbers and Deuteronomy chronicle this journey and how the second book is directed to a new
               generation of Israelites who were getting ready to conquer a new land.  Let’s see what happens….

                5.2 Objectives

                     1.  The student should be able to describe the reason for and the realities of Israel’s wanderings.

                     2. The student should be able to explain the purpose for the book of Deuteronomy.

               3.  The student should be able to explain why Moses and Aaron were not permitted to enter the
               Promised Land.

                5.3 NUMBERS

                         The book of Numbers narrates the time of Israel’s
                         wanderings. It is highly likely that Moses wrote the book of
                         Numbers. The Date is unknown but possibly written during
                         the time f wanderings (after exodus from Egypt).

                          Numbers is divided into three main themes and these
               include: Prepare (1-10), Punished (11-21), Promise (21-36) The main
               message of the Book of Numbers is God’s preparation of His people for
               His presence. He would punish them for their disbelief, but despite their repeated rebellion, He remains
               committed to His promises! The Israelites are at Sinai are preparing to depart (1-10). After being freed
               from bonds of Egypt yet bonded to God, Israel is ready to head for Canaan. Yet, God’s holy presence in
               their midst demands purity! After an initial census (1), God prescribes the position of tribes in camp and
               travel, with Levites encircling the tent, carrying its objects for nation’s protection (2-4). Also, people
               must beware of defiling their purity both ritual- uncleanness and moral- breaking faith w/ God/man,
               Nazarite vow vine, razor, or dead (5-6). After the tabernacle is purified, with offerings given for its
               dedication (7), Levites are also purified, for service as priests (8). YHWH even makes a provision for
               impure to celebrate Passover late (9). Finally, symbol of God’s presence lifts, with trumpet blast, signals
               departure, Israel leaves in order (9-10)

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