Page 38 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 38

Chapter 27-30 focus on the future Consequence Upon entry into Canaan, God commands a covenant
               renewal ceremony, constructing an altar and dividing the tribes between Mt. Ebal and Gerizim to recite
               the blessings and curses. Dominated by curses (50/14), God promises that obedience will bring blessing,
               abundant life in land, while disobedience will result in curses, pain filled life and exile (28). Recapping
               YHWH’s faithfulness, Moses urges the people to be faithful; he foretells their rebellion and coming exile,
               but he offers hope that turning to YHWH in repentance will bring restoration (29-30). God must change
               their hearts (30:6-7). Moses ends with a call for decision, life and good or death and evil. “Choose life
               that you and your offspring may live, loving YHWH your God, obeying His voice and holding fast to Him
               for He is your life and length of days (31:19-20).

               Chapter 31-34 focus on the future Commitment after commissioning Joshua as his successor, Moses
               instructed the people to read the Book of the Law every seven years. He calls heaven and earth as
               witnesses, again foretelling the nation’s rebellion and exile (31). As another witness, Moses composes a
               song, contrasting God’s faithful, fatherly care and Israel’s rebellion and rejection of God (32). Again, he
               urges them to keep God’s law as a matter of life and death! With a final blessing, Moses foretells the
               future of each tribe, with outlook greater for some- Joseph rather than others- Reuben. The book
               concludes with the death of Moses- likely recorded later by Joshua. He ascends Mt. Nebo, views Canaan-
               Dan-Zoar but God takes his life and buries him in Moab (34). With the passing of Israel’s greatest
               prophet, a new chapter is ready to begin!

                           Pictured is a view Moses had from the top of Mt. Nebo of the Promised Land
                                                 (looking down toward Jericho)

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