Page 39 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 39

The Book of Deuteronomy

               5.4 Let’s Practice…

                       1.  What is the general theme of Numbers?

                       2.  What is the book of Deuteronomy known as?

                       3.  In Moses’s instruction to Israel, how often did he tell them to read the Books of the Law?

                  4.  What one word best describes the attitude of Israel in the Book of Deuteronomy?

               5.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…

                      When I ready these books, it is frustrating to see the children of Israel always rebelling against
                      Moses and against God.  After walking through the Red Sea, then watching God provide water,
                      manna, and quail for food, it is amazing that these people could not see the hand of God moving
                      amongst them.  Even Aaron and Marian rebelled against Moses and complained!  Have you ever
                      complained to God?  Write a time in your life where you acted like the children of Israel:

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