Page 6 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 6

Why Youth?

               God can call you to minister to children, youth, young adults, middle-aged adults, or seniors.  Each has
               it’s challenges.  But probably the most difficult is the group of people from ages 13-21.  That’s because
               that’s a time in the chapters of life where many major decisions are made which affect all of life
               thereafter.  Think about it.  Teenager’s bodies are changing.  Hormones are raging.  They are trying to
               figure out what to do with their lives and what plans to make for their future careers.  They are
               bombarded with information from school and then from their parents (if they have some).  If their
               parents care about their development, they tend to try to restrict harmful behaviors and limit
               destructive input into their lives.  Some teens feel censored.  Then toward the pinnacle of their teenage
               years, they have to make some major decisions which will affect their entire lives, including education
               routes after high school, dating, and choice of mates or dealing with the opposite sex.  They must make
               all these huge decisions with very little preparation and information.  At the same time, the culture of
               this world is SCREAMING in their ears a false way to go.  It is a difficult stage of life.

               Of any time in the stages of life, youth need someone who is has a Biblical world view to come along
               aside them and help them figure out all their best course of action.  They need the indwelling guidance
               offered by the Holy Spirit as well as guidance from God’s Word to navigate life through their teenage
               years.  That’s where a youth minister comes in.  He can unite his efforts with those of the teenager’s
               parents to help them make wise decisions which will honor Christ and send them on the right path.
               That’s what this course is all about.

               1.4 Let’s Practice…

                         1. In the US, nearly half of children 18 or under have experience various kinds of trauma.
                         Explain what this sentence means.

                         2.-5.  List four of the six reasons 60% of youth today are leaving churches and rejecting their

               6.  In what ways has the culture of today captivated the hearts and minds of youth?

               7.  What does it mean when one says, “Youth ministry is a battle for the minds of youth?”

               1.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                          Activity:  Activity:  Make a list of some influences that come from the culture surrounding
                          youth that will take them on a path away from God.  Then look up at least one Scripture that
                          give insight into that influence.  This will become super handy in your future should God call
                          you to become a Youth Pastor!

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