Page 9 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 9

Youth need guidance from God’s Word to answer these and other questions about their future.  A wise
               youth minister will carefully consider the topics of his lessons to include answers to these questions.

               Marriage and Sexuality

               It seems that never in the history of societies has there been such confusion and misinformation being
               promulgated about sexuality than today.  I read an article about a history book for students in
               Minnesota that has been rewritten to exclude most of the significant events in American history, but
               include gender equality/equity, systemic racism, and “progressive“ political agendas.   Mattel, toy
               manufacturer of the Barbie dolls, is now making a new doll called Kira Bailey.  Accompanying the doll is
               book that shares how Kira Bailey visits her two aunts in Australia who are married to each other as
               lesbians.  This doll was announced with a LGBTQ theme in a press release that also said their dolls where
               designed to “inspire children.”   Disney Corporation release a new short movie for children entitled,
               “Out.”  It tells of a young man who informed his parents that he was living as a homosexual with his
               boyfriend.  His parents were very accepting of the relationship and endorsed his life decision.  This
               movie targets kids from four years old up.  What the Bible considers evil, the culture endorses as

               In the Western world, transgenders can now participate in most any sport.  Men with slightly modified
               bodies can now participate in women’s sports, mostly taking all the medals.  We have stores who
               advertise that you can use any bathroom you feel like using, based on the gender you consider yourself
               to be, regardless of your anatomy.  We have colleges that have a one-hour orientation session when
               school starts about how to use gender neutral pronouns.  Teachers stand and share with the incoming
               freshmen the pronoun by which they are to be referenced.  Recently a teacher was fired because a
               young girl in his class wanted to be a boy, so she changed her name.  The teacher accidentally called her
               the wrong pronoun, the parents filed a lawsuit and the teacher was fired. Our youth live in a culture that
               has seemed to have lost its mind when it comes to gender and sexuality.

               Biblical information about dating, marriage, and sex is extremely important for youth to receive.  A wise
               youth minister should also consider sharing God’s thoughts about these topics.

               The great desires of adolescence

               Most teenagers have powerful desires for autonomy, a strong connection with their peers, feeling
               important and respected, and the need to develop their own personal identity separate from their
               parents.  Parents and youth workers who understand these basic needs will shape their instruction to
               encourage teenagers to fulfill these desires in some form or fashion.

               9  afaJournal, American Family Association, April 2021, p. 11.
               10  Ibid., p. 4.
               11  For an excellent five-session course for teen and sex, check out this link:

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