Page 7 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 7

Section 2:  Understanding Youth Culture

               21 Connect

                           When a botanist grows small plants and raises them to maturity, he often plants the seeds
                           in small containers and protects them from the harsh environment of wind and rain.  He
                           nurtures them and babies their growth until they are able to withstand the negative forces
                           of nature.  When they are mature and strong, he transplants them into the soil where they
                           can flourish and produce fruit.

               In raising children, we need to consider the process that the botanists goes through in growing mature
               plants.  Unfortunately, in these days, the harsh winds of our culture have become more dangerous than
               in history past.  It seems that Satan has total control of our culture, which seeks to capture the hearts of
               our youth and drag them to hell.  As a youth pastor, you will be standing against the wind and rain of our
               culture, seeking to protect your youth from destruction.  But to become an effective youth minister, you
               must fully understand that you are going to enter a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of your

               2.2 Objectives

                       1.  The student should be able to define what youth culture is.

                       2.  The student should be able to identify many of the questions that are on the minds of youth.

               3.  The student should be able to explain why there is such confusion about marriage and sexuality in
               our culture today.

               2.3 The Youth Culture Today

                         Youth culture refers to the ways teenagers conduct their lives and those influences that
                         determine their paths.  It can pertain to interests, styles, behaviors, music, beliefs,
                         vocabulary, clothes, sports, and dating.  Often the norms, mores, behaviors, and values differ
                         significantly from the culture of their older generations within society and with the values
                         expressed in the Scriptures.  But this culture molds the minds of our youth.

               Personal appearance is one of the most visible indicators of teen culture.  Seems like the more that they
               can look just like everyone else is important to them and has always been in cultures past.  I remember
               when I was in high school that they guys shirts had to have a loop on the back of them.  The girls would
               rip them off of the guys shirts and hang them on a pin at their side.  The more “sex loops” they had, the
               sexier the girl way.  I also remember that when it came to shoes, the only “acceptable” shoe was a
               penny loafer.  If you didn’t wear penny loafers with a penny inserted in the slot, you where considered
               “square” or “out of it.”  My mom used to say, “If everybody jumped off the bridge, would you?”  I
               thought about that and probably would have as long as all my classmates joined me.

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