Page 68 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 68
Breaking of Bread
This is another term that bears a close relationship to the Supper. Jesus broke bread at the table in the
Upper Room. He revealed His true identity to the disciples at Emmaus through the breaking of bread (Luke
24:28-35). The book of Acts also uses the term to refer to the fellowship of the early church (Acts 2:24-26,
20:7-12). Other appropriate texts are Matthew 14:13-31, 15:32-38, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, and John
6:1-14. John 6:22-40 is appropriate because Jesus identified Himself here as the Bread of Life.
9.4 Let’s Practice…
1-3. What seasonal calendar events should a prudent pastor plan to incorporate in the worship
services and educational program of the church?
2. What major doctrinal topic did Jesus connect with Baptism?
3-6. What four symbols does baptism represent?
7. Name a topic that a pastor could preach on during the day the church commemorates the Lord’s Supper:
8-11. Give four alternate names that can be substituted for the Lord’s Supper:
9.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: I assume you have baptisms in your church! How does the pastor at your church baptize
a new believer? There are a variety of modes that various churches practice when it comes to
baptism. Explain how the mode of baptism your church practices represents the death, burial, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ: