Page 69 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 69

Study Section 10:  Pastoral Tasks - Continued

             10.1 Connect

                        There are few events in the life of a family that have more meaning and greater potential for good
                        than a wedding. The arrangement for the beautiful occasion opens the door for the pastor into the
                        very heart of all the people involved. He is a wise pastor who takes advantage of the providence to
                        counsel the couple in Christian homemaking and to encourage the parties to make Christ and His
                        church the center of their lives.

            The church is the bride of Christ.  The joining of a man and woman in marriage is actually a demonstration of the
            joining of Christ to believers.  And so much of the facets of the union display the love of Christ for His bride.  The
            wise pastor can bring to a wedding so much Biblical truth and set the couple upon a firm foundation.  Let’s see
            how to do that….

             10.2 Objectives

                     1.  The student should be able to state the various topics that may be covered in a premarital
                     counseling program.

                     2.  The student should be able to describe how a pastor should conduct a funeral.

            3.  The student should very carefully read about the various tips in conducting a funeral and apply them when

             10.3 Weddings

                        I. The Premarital Counseling Session Before the Wedding

                        Every couple the pastor marries should have a personal heart to
                        heart visit with him before the wedding. At this session, the pastor
                        must do three things; first, he should talk to the couple about the
                        Lord. If they are not Christian, he should seek to win them to Christ.
            If they are not church members, seek to win them to the church. If they are not
            Christians, do not feel as if you have to marry them but offer them your
            counseling services with the hope that at the conclusion of the counseling
            sessions, they will be ready to place their faith in Christ.   Secondly, the pastor
            should tell the couple how to build a Christian home that God will bless. W.A.
            Criswell would tell them the story of “five fingers.” Here he would tell them five
            things that each finger represents:

                   1. Say grace before you eat. Be thankful for God’s blessings on you.
                   2. Sometime during the day, read the Bible together and pray.
                   3. Before you go to bed at night, pray for your partner out loud. No couple can
                       stay mad at the other when before they go to bed, they pray for each other.
                   4. Dress up and go to church each Sunday. Appear before God in the best
                       clothes you possess.
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