Page 89 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 89


            A church is not the building in which the people meet.  A church is a congregation of baptized believers
            voluntarily associated together for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel, observing the ordinances, and
            fellowshipping the love and grace of the Lord Jesus.  Jesus founded the church (Matthew 16:18) and so loved it
            that He gave Himself for it (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:25).


            Question:     As a church member should I attend the services of the church?
            Answer:       According to Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves
                          together” I must faithfully attend the services of the church.

            Question:     As a church member should I witness for Jesus?
            Answer:       According to Luke 24:45-48), Acts 1:8, we are to witness to the saving
                          grace of Jesus to everyone everywhere.

            Question:     As a church member should I read my Bible and pray every day?
            Answer:       According to John 5:39, Acts 17:11, I Timothy 4:13-16, Revelation 1:3, I
                          am faithfully to read my Bible and, according to Luke 18:1, 1
                          Thessalonians 5:17, I am to pray always.

            Question:     Does God have a plan for me to support the church?
            Answer:       According to 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, I am every first day of the week
                          9Sunday) to give to God a proportionate part of my income.  Those who love Jesus will practice
                          Grace giving as God has so led in their heart.  It is a holy privilege to give (2 Corinthians 8:9, 2
                          Corinthians 9:6-7).


            After Dr. Criswell met with a child and after they had read and discussed Joining the Church, he would have
            them repeat a prayer after him. The prayer he would pray was:

                                                     Our Father in heaven
                                                   We thank Thee for Jesus
                                                   That he died on the cross
                                                   To save us from our sins.
                                                 We thank thee for our church
                                                  Bless me as I join the church
                                                   Bless me as I am baptized

                                             Help me to be a good church member
                                                     May I grow in grace
                                               And in the knowledge of the Lord

                                                     Bless my dear father
                                                    And my sweet mother
                                                  And the circle of our home
                                                    May I be a joy to them
                                                       As long as I live
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