Page 90 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 90

And an honor to thee
                                                       Forgive our sins
                                                     Keep us close to thee
                                                  In Jesus’ dear name, Amen.

            12.4 Let’s Practice…

                      1-4.  Name the four steps in a baby dedication suggested in this lesson:

                      5.  Why are the following responses to a child coming forward in a church service inappropriate: “You
                      are too young,” or “You do not understand,” or “Wait a few more years.”

            6.  Define scripturally the window who qualifies for church support and care:

            7.  What does Scripture say about a young window?

            8.  How does this study suggest the church should proceed in caring for widows, widowers, and orphans?

            12.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                        Activity:   Typical in most churches, they say 10% of the people in a church do 90% of the work.
                        That means very few people get involved in the church ministry.  Most come, sit and soak, and go
                        home with very little commitment.  How have you battled this norm in your church?

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