Page 91 - Pastoral Ministries -Student Textbook
P. 91
Study Section 13: The Pastor’s Administrative Tasks
13.1 Connect
The starry-eyed young pastor who reports to his first church expecting to do little else than study
and preach the Word is in for a rude surprise when he finds out how many administrative duties
confront him. Whether he likes it or not, the program of the church will not just happen nor can he
ignore those duties and hope lay people will take care of them. In many churches lay people have
not been trained sufficiently to carry out such duties and they are looking to him to provide the
necessary direction.
13.2 Objectives
1. The student should be able to describe the many and varied responsibilities of the pastor.
2. The student should be able to explain a Biblical, New Testament plan for giving for every believer
in a church.
13.3 The Pastor’s Administrative Tasks
Planning and Managing – An Overview of the Duties
A. Planning
Although it is good to involve as many people as possible in the goal setting process of the
church, it will often be necessary for the pastor to teach his people how to set goals and to
instruct them as to the kinds of goals a church should be setting. After proper goals are set, the pastor as
principal overseer must be a facilitator.
B. Identifying and Reaching Goals
Along with helping the church identify and reach goals, the pastor should
oversee the preparation of a coordinated church calendar. The incentive
and direction for putting together the overall calendar must rest in the
hands of the person who has the broadest knowledge concerning the many
activities of the church – the pastor.
C. Overseeing the church office
The pastor must oversee the efficient operation of the church office and the support it gives the
D. Managing Finances
Along with other, more routine, administrative functions, the pastor is usually called upon to take an active
part in business matters involving figures and finances. My major concern in this area is this; are we in the
black or in the red! Are we growing or are we declining? Did we meet budget this week or not?