Page 93 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 93

division in the in the church. Paul calls on Timothy to establish Christ centered teaching which
               demonstrates peace, godly conduct and obedience to the great commission.
               We also see a theme of living an exemplary life. Paul calls on believers under Timothy to offset the bad
               conduct of others by being a good example. As believers, “we have the assurance that only our
               relationship with God, through Christ, can truly transform a person (1:12–16; 4:12).” 130

               Paul wants Timothy to succeed as a leader in the church, just as he wants the reputation of the
               church to hold up against opposition. Paul writes the letter to encourage Timothy (and us) to
               “desire sound teaching” (1 Tim 1:10) and to stay on the right track in relationships (with God
               and others), in leadership, and in service to the vulnerable. 131


               Typical of Paulin letters, 1 Timothy includes a greeting, main body,
               and conclusion. In 1 Timothy, we see a brief greeting (1:1–2), which
               followed by a charge to Timothy to deal with false teaching (1:3–20).
               In the body we see instructions to Timothy, general leadership, and
               the church at large to demonstrate proper Christian conduct (2:1–
               3:16). Paul flows nicely following the above with the reason for
               emphasizing conduct: The church provides a foundation for the
               truth (3:14–16). Paul then shifts to contrasting false teaching (4:1–5)
               with the sound teaching that Timothy needs to deliver (4:6–16).

               Next, we see Paul giving more instructions to specific groups in the church. He deals with the conduct of
               widows (5:3–16), elders (5:17–25), and slaves (6:1–2). Still Paul does not leave false teachers alone, he
               comments on their greed (6:2–10), he then charges timothy to counteract that bad attitude with a good
               example (6:11–19). Finally, we see Paul closing the letter with a blessing (6:20–21), as he also charges
               Timothy to not swerve from the truth.

               •  Greeting and instructions on dealing with false teaching (1:1–20)
               •  Instructions on conduct (2:1–3:13)
               •  Contrasting sound teaching with false teaching (3:14–4:16)
               •  Instructions about particular groups and closing exhortation to Timothy (5:1–6:21) 132


               How does 1 Timothy Impact our lives?
               1 Tim. 1:3–5 – This passage shows the seriousness of how God regards love. He treats love with very
               high honor such that He instructs right doctrine to meet the very goal of love. How important is love to
               you? What do you feel you lose when you don’t love?

                       130  Ibid
                       131  Ibid
                       132  Barry, J. D., et al.
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