Page 95 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 95

•  Instructions concerning False Teaching (Ch. 4)
                   •  Instructions concerning Different Groups in the Church (5:1—6:2)
                   •  Miscellaneous Matters (6:3–19)

                                 Overview of I Timothy

               2 Timothy: A Call to Perseverance


               Author, provenance
               With clear internal evidence, Paul is the author of 2 Timothy (2 Tim 1:1).
               However, concerning the issue of modern debates about the authorship
               of the Pastoral Letters, see the discussion on author of 1 Timothy. 2
               Timothy indicates that Paul wrote this letter from prison, apparently in
               Rome (2 Tim 1:8, 16–17; 2:9). This imprisonment seems to be different
               from the one narrated in Acts (Acts 28:16–31). Tradition reveals that,
               Paul must have been freed, at least for a time, giving him an opportunity to take another journey not
               recorded in Acts, later on got rearrested and got martyred in Rome during the mid-60s AD. so the
               imprisonment mentioned in 2 Timothy could have immediately preceded his anticipated death (2 Tim

               The recipient is clearly Timothy. He is clearly mentioned in many Paulin letters including Acts as a close
               associate of Paul. Paul found Timothy in Lystra where he was staying with his Christian mother and
               grandmother (1:15), during Paul’s second missionary journey as recorded in Acts 16 (around AD 49–51).

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