Page 100 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 100

Paul does not mince words in his letter to Titus regarding the qualifications for able church leaders (Titus
               1:7–9). Do you hold yourself to the standards Paul lists (Titus 1:7–9)? How can you support your church
               leaders, so that they may live up to these standards?

               Paul tells Titus to encourage his fellow Christians toward good works, while also reminding them that
               good works don’t earn salvation (Titus 2). What good works are you doing out of obligation, rather than
               a desire that comes from Christ? What good works is Jesus calling you to?

               Titus 2:9–12 – This passage challenges us as Christians to learn to serve obediently, joyfully, and
               faithfully as unto God, at whatever level of work. The good relationships we create by that kind of
               service lead to peace, and further the spread of the gospel which is our main volition in this life.

               Titus 3:14 – This verse reminds us that God wants us to live productively by being diligent at whatever
               work He lays on our path so we can influence the community to godly living. How do you ensure that
               what God lays on your path is rightly used to influence your community to godly living?

               Highlights: key passages:

                   •  Concerning Elders (1:5–9)
                   •  Concerning False Teachers (1:10–16)
                   •  Concerning Various Groups in the Congregations (ch. 2)
                   •  Concerning Believers in General (3:1–8)
                   •  Concerning Response to Spiritual Error (3:9–11)

                                 Overview of Titus

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