Page 101 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 101

10.4 Let’s Practice…

                      1. who was with Paul when writing 1 and 2 Timothy?

                      2. who wrote the book of Titus?

                      3. Where was Paul when He wrote 1 and 2 timothy?

               4.  Where was Timothy when receiving Paul’s letters?

               5. Where was Titus at the time of the writing of Titus?

               6. What was happening to Timothy at the time of the writing of 1 and 2 Timothy?

               7. What was happening to Titus at the time of the writing of Titus?

               8-10. State at least three purposes of the writing of 1 Timothy?

               11-13. State at least three purposes for the writing of 2 Timothy?

               14-15. Provide two purposes for the writing of Titus?

               16-18. List at least three key words found in 1, 2Timothy and Titus

               10.5 Let’s Personalize this lesson…

                         Just as there was wrong theology in Timothy’s day, there is bad manipulative theology today
                         centered on prosperity and prophecy, meant to enrich the preacher. Paul would admonish us
                         just like he did to Timothy to “desire Biblical sound teaching” (1 Tim 1:10), and to stay on the
                         right track in leadership, and in service to the vulnerable. Do you feel like giving up on your
                         faith and ministry because of the challenges involved? “Our faith in Jesus requires much, but

               enduring for Jesus is the least we can do for the one who grants us eternal life. In 2 Timothy, we see
               what it means to endure for Jesus.” 142
               Teaching sound doctrine is one thing, and living it out is another, though the second speaks loudest,
               Paul through Titus provides each of us with the equal importance of the two, and an example of what it
               means to live out our beliefs. In fact according to Paul, sound doctrine leads to sound living. In what
               ways are your beliefs and your actions misaligned? How can you practically link the teachings of the
               Bible to your daily life—and how can you make doing so a regular disciple in your life?

                       142  Barry, J. D., et al.

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