Page 97 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 97

               •  Greeting, thanksgiving, and encouragement (1:1–18)
               •  Aspects of effective ministry (2:1–13)
               •  Opposing false teaching (2:14–3:9)
               •  Paul’s charge to Timothy and closing remarks (3:10–4:22) 137

               How does 2 Timothy Impact our lives?

               2 Tim. 1:5 – this passage reminds us of the importance of being intentional about passing on the truth of
               God’s word to the upcoming generation. How do you ensure that the next generation grows in the word
               of God?

               2 Tim. 2:2 – A little different from the one above, this passage teaches us to be intentional about
               strategically looking out for a “faithful” person we can disciple, so that what we pass on could live on for
               all generations. How do you identify a faithful person? How do you ensure that that person passes on
               what you have passed on to them?

               The test of good teaching is good practice (2 Tim 2:15–19). What kind of practical growth—and good
               fruit—is evident in your life from Christian teaching you have recently heard?
               Paul instructs Timothy to shun “youthful desires and pursue righteousness” (2 Tim 2:22). As you mature
               in your Christian faith, what “youthful desires” do you still need to be freed from? How can you actively
               and specifically pursue righteousness instead?

               2 Tim. 3:12 - Here Paul prepares Timothy to expect persecution. The general tone from Paul’s statement
               implies that he prepares every believer out here to expect persecution because of the gospel. Let’s not
               get surprised when evil happens to us because of the gospel. How prepared are you for persecution?
               How do you ensure that others are ready also for persecution?

               The time has indeed come when people will “not put up with
               sound teaching” (2 Tim 4:3). Where can you learn sound doctrine?
               What practical steps can you take toward learning and living Jesus’
               teachings, as passed down by the apostles?
               Highlights: key passages:

               2 Timothy

                   •  Paul’s Concern for Timothy (1:5–14)
                   •  Paul’s Situation (1:15–18)
                   •  Special Instructions to Timothy (Ch. 2)
                   •  Warning about the Last Days (Ch. 3)
                   •  Paul’s Departing Remarks (4:1–8)
                   •  Final Requests, Greetings and Benediction (4:9–22)

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