Page 105 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 105

•  Paul tells Philemon to welcome Onesimus back and to charge anything he owes to Paul’s
                       account.  Paul reminds Philemon that he owes Paul is own life (17-21).
                   •  Paul asks Philemon to prepare a room for him because he plans on visiting when he is released
                       from prison (22).

                                 Overview of Philemon

                11.4 Let’s Practice…

                     1. who was with Paul when writing Philemon?

                     2. Where was Paul when He wrote Philemon?

                     3.  Where was Philemon when receiving Paul’s letters?

               4. What circumstance caused the writing of Philemon?

               5. What risk was Paul putting himself in writing to Philemon?

               6. What risk was Onesimus Putting himself in going to Philemon?

               7. Why did Paul still write to Philemon despite the risk?

               8. What is the main theme of the letter to Philemon?

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