Page 110 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 110

Hebrews 13:1-3 – This passage reminds us that the idea of hospitality is not about money, it is all about
               love, attitude, and servanthood. When the foundation is set right, we can now use anything we have,
               including money, time, and energy to express our hospitality to strangers and those in need for His
               glory.  What motivates you hospitality?

               key passages

                   •  Prologue: The Superiority of God’s New Revelation (1:1–4)
                   •  The Superiority of Christ to Leading Figures under the Old Covenant (1:5—7:28)
                          o  Christ Is Superior to the Angels (1:5—2:18)
                          o  Christ Is Superior to Moses (3:1—4:13)
                          o  Christ Is Superior to the Aaronic Priests (4:14—7:28)
                          o  Jesus, Mediator of a Better Covenant (8:1-9:12)
                          o  Jesus, Our Willing Sacrifice (9:13-10:18)
                          o  Let Us Draw Near: Confidence of Faith (10:19-39)
                          o  Let Us Believe: Nature of Faith (11:1-6, 11)
                          o  Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
                          o  Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
                          o  Let Us Love: Workings of Faith and Epilogue (13:1-25)

                                 Overview of Hebrews

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