Page 111 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 111

12.4 Let’s Practice…

                        1. who wrote the book of Hebrews?

                        2. Where was the author of Hebrews at the time of writing?

                        3-4.  Who was the recipient of the book of Hebrews and where were they?

               5. What was the circumstance that led to the writing of Hebrews?

               6-8. Give at least three purposes for the writing of Hebrews?

               9-11. Express the three main parts in the structure of Hebrews?

               12. What was the risk in becoming a Christian at the time of the writing of Hebrews?

               13-14. List two of the four challenges the author provides against the fear of the risk of becoming a

               15. What is the central theme of the book of Hebrews?

               12.5 Let’s Personalize this lesson…

                        Do you face doubts? Are you fatigued with life? Do you feel like giving up? The Letter to the
                        Hebrews was written to encourage Christians in just such a time. When we face times of
                        doubt and fatigue, we still have a source of hope: We will never find anything better to anchor
                        us than Christ. He is worthy of our full devotion; He is the human incarnation of the image of
                        God. And we know that in Him we have one who can sympathize with our weaknesses, for He
               Himself was tempted but was without sin (4:15). Our hardships should not be the primary object of our
               focus—instead, we are called to turn our focus on Jesus. What kind of hardships turned away your focus
               from Christ? How are you resolving to bounce back?

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