Page 106 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 106

11.5 Let’s Personalize this lesson…

                            In this generation, where human rights are highly emphasized, and the practice of those
                            insisted, it is easy to be carried away with our rights and lose the sense of humanity. Paul,
               with all his apostolic rights and authority, chose to request Philemon instead of commanding him, for
               the sake of love (vv. 8-9).
               Onesimus takes a risk in returning to Philemon. According to Roman law, an owner could severely
               punish and even execute a runaway slave. Paul shares in this risk, as he could have been punished for
               harboring a runaway slave. Likewise, Paul’s friend Tychicus shares in this risk when he returns with
               Onesimus. Philemon was as well requested to lay aside his rights to punish or execute Onesimus for the
               crime he committed for the sake of the gospel. See, each of us is meant to take risks and give up our
               rights for the gospel—those in positions of power should speak up for the voiceless. Is the gospel worth
               the risk? What risks have you taken for the sake of the gospel? What rights have you laid aside for the
               sake of love and relationship?

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