Page 13 - 222 mindset eBook IT'S TIME TO POWER UP
P. 13

Do you see how implementing simple steps on
            Gratitude and Clarity allows you to begin
            visualising your dream life, and by
            meditating it is helping you to connect to
            your authentic self. Your authentic self will
            ALWAYS steer you right and is there to
            guide you to a life that you love every day!

            The aim is to as much as possible be sitting
            on the top of that spiral and when ‘life stuff’
            happens and we spin to the bottom, having
            the right tools in our toolbelt to acknowledge
            and honour these feelings.

            This allows ourselves the permission to feel
            them, but will also identify that it is our
            choice to help ourselves feel better and get
            back on track and to zero in and work
            towards our joy in our lives

            We cannot get to destination B without
            starting our journey at destination A.

            The journey is what you make of it but it
            absolutely should be enjoyed!

            These insights are the tip of the iceberg and I
            trust that they have helped you see a little of
            the magic that is there for each of us to tap

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