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P. 100
First Row: Levia Vance, Amelia Morgan, May Highfield, Cora Mc- First Row: H erman Crawford , Sr., L ee Marshall, Conrad Crutchfield,
Cuiston, Alma Hunter, Marvin Vance, Cletus Morgan, Emory Dillon, Henry Reginald Whitaker, Major L arkins, Sam Vance, Jr., Lee W infree.
Ingram, Gaither Warren, Arnold Dwiggins. Second Row: J . J. Griffith, Dr. 0. L. Joyner, Fred F. Vance, Gilmer
Second Row: G ertrude Vance, Flossie Crews, Fanny Hunter, Lewis
Motsinger, Elias Landreth, Loften Dwiggins, Arrelius Nelson, David Barrow, Dillon, Floyd Craven, Fred Morris.
Roscoe Vance, Homer Vance. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR 1971
Third Row: Gertrude Stegall, Caroline Morgan, Allie Dwiggins, Bertha
Barrow, Addie Dwiggins, Lucy Vance, Charles E. Hunter, Edgar Vance. First Row: Edna Sams, Clyd e Carter, Juanita Jamerson, W orthy Ma-
Fourth Row: Wesley Landreth, Oscar Vance, Thos. Warren, Minnie tron, Calvin O'Brient, Worthy Pat ron, Clyde Jarrell.
Barrow, M. Vance _Fu~p, Teacher, Carrie Crews, Rosa McCuiston, Addison Second Row: Margaret Brown, Frances Jefferies, Jeanette H uffman,
Stegall, Blancoe Dw1ggms, Lorenza Dillon, Henry Sapp. Eleene Jarrell, Martha Pierce.
Third Row: D orothy Stone, Margaret T arkington, D ebbie Outen,
OLD ACADEMY PICTURE 1894 Blanch Cox, Alice Lingerfelt, Mary Mullinax, Gerry Lingerfelt.
Front Row: ?, Emma Vogler, Eura Ragland, Annie Kerner, Baxter
Crews, Mozelle Beard, Mable Leak, Mattie Leak, Jessie Leak, Maude Boden- Back Row: Iona Morton Bellamy, Grace Bencini Headen, Maude Kerner
hamer, Ina Davis . Mary Hastings, Annie Leak, Carrie Pinnix, Edythe Kerner. Ring, Octavia Jon es Kerner, Sara Fontaine Sterling, D oris Blackwell Larkin,
2nd R ow: Nma Brookbank, Mary Lindsay, Sue Lindsay Mina Pepper Virginia McCain Linville, D ore Kerner Donnell, Robah Bencini Tatum, Lucie
Ida Sapp, Carrie Beard, Meta Kerner, Betha Fulp, Agnes Stockton Mady~
Leak, Rosa Griffith. ' H oskins (Greensboro).
Front Row: Lil H astings Snow, Miss H orne (Wadesboro, N. C.), Mary
Back Row: Robin F et1er, John Greenfield, Frank L e::ik, Charlie Sapp, Blair Whitaker, Miss Elizabeth H orne (Wadesboro, N . C., Addie Kerner
Kerr Pepper, Charlie Huff, Clyde Lowrey, ?, Cary Ragland, Lester Lowrey
? , James F. Dicks (teacher), Rev. E. J. Poe (M. E. Church teacher), D~ Adkins, Annie Hastings. Allen, Berenice Clarke Kerner.
Moir (teacher). ' In Front: Mrs. vV. C. Stafford , Sallie Greenfield.
1st Window: ? , Elmer L eak, ? . VFW 1957 OFFICERS
2nd Window: Frank Kerner, Hugh Leak, Clifton Leak.
Front Row: Glenn Idol, Thurman Albert, Sumter Bowen, Edsel Idol,
Back Row: George Fulp, Fred Morris, L ee Flynt, T ruman Ferrell,
1906-1907 Ernie W atts.
Approximately 100 pupils - 3 Teachers: Miss Betha Fulp Miss Zora VFW AUXILIARY MEMBERS ABOUT 1957
Sapp, C. F. Hauser, Principal: '
The following pupils are identified in the picture: Ed E. Shore in win- VFW Auxiliary m embers: First Row: Betty Nelson, Marjorie Flynt ,
dow, Kennet~ Greenfield, Cl_ay V. Ring, John T. Ring, Lindsay Greenfield, H elen Steph ens, Edna Roberts, Ehbie Smith, Janice Taylor, Phyllis West.
Bynum Hastings, Pete Hastmgs, Max Greenfield, Eugenia Stafford, Addie Second Row: O ctavia Korner, Elberta Albert, Nila Mae D uncan, Evelyn
Trent, Velma Thornlaw, Myrtle Kerner, Annie Snyd er, Lucile Stafford F ulp, Ann Young, Doris Redmon, Jane Swayngim, ancy Idol.
M_aud ~er!ler, Annie L ee Stafford, Alta Pinnix, Iona Morton, Estelle Kerner:
Nma Pmmx, Emma Joyce, Gertrude Kerner, Ganelle H epler, Addie T eague JAYCEES 1971
Bessie McKaughan, Carrie Hastings, Herman Morton, James Teague Robah
elson, Walter Linville, Fran Linville, Bernard Stockton, Tom Wihis and First Row: Dickie Tuttle, D anny McDonald, Dr. Wesley Phillips,
George Willis. Wick Barrow, Lawrence Coleman, Nick An gel.
Second Row: Clarence Lambe, Bill Robbins, Jesse White, Gray John-
OLD ACADEMY PICTURE 1901 son, Phil Leight, Bill Bigelow, Norman Bennett, Jim Camp.
Front Row: Iona Morton, ? , Fanny Sue Griffith, Mab el Coman Nellie
Davis, Esther Mewborn, Gracie Ray, Clifton Sapp Maple Pinni~ John Seated : Patsy Nelson. Shirley Tohnson, Pat Drewry, Becky Miller.
Lowrey, ? , ? , Clay Ring, John Ring. ' ' Standing: Darlene Phillips, Beverly Coleman, Carolyn McDonald, Ann
. 2nd Row: ~ eleste Barrow, ~na Da~is, ?_ , Will Stockton, Elma Lasley, Angel, Pat Light, Phyllis Angell, Nancy Robbins, Marie Tuttle, Rexine
Jessie Leak, Ocie Coman, Carne Davis, Edith Kerner Ollie L eak Annie
L eak, Lester Lowrey, William Lasley, H erbert Stafford' Baxter Cre{,.,s, Bennett.
Back Row: Miss Daisy Leak (teacher), Lucy Va nce,' Flossie Tucker, ? , WOOLEN MILL PICTURE # 1
Professor Mewborn, Ben Mewborn, Fernando D ean.
1-, 2-, 3-, 4 . Lindsay Greenfield, 5 . Nichols, 6 . Andrew Manuel, 7 . Bud
KERNERSVILLE GRADED SCHOOL Nelson, 8- , 9. Jim Crews, 10. John Marshall, 11 . Sadie Tilley, 12. Cora
Tilley, 13.- Harlow, 14. - Harlow, 18. Bob Taylor, 19. Granville Manuel.
First Row: Thurman Porter, Bynum Hastings, John Ring.
Second Row: Eugenia Stafford, Fred Morris James T eague, Kenneth Maude Kerner Ring, James F . Kerner, Dr. Elias Kerner, George G.
Greenfield, Clay Ring, Ned Stuart. ' Kerner, Robert and Ed Shore.
Third Ro~: Mr. H. H. McKeown, (teacher), Carrie Hastings, Lucile KERNERSVILLE KNITTING COMPA .Y EMPLOYEES
Staffford, Gertie Kerner, Stella Matthews Ollie Kirkman, Addie Trent,
Carrie L ee Bodenhamer, Bill Morton. ' Standing in foreground with haat on: J. W. W oollen, Supt.
First Row: Clyde Loy, George Marine, Charlie Nelson, Omar Dean,
KHS SPOTLIGHT STAFF 1929 Carl Stockton .
Second Row: Noah Parrish, Emery T esh, Martha Baker, Jessie Morton
First Row: F anny Lyon Hepler, Edith Tucker Edward Whitaker, Walker, Bercha H ester, Ada Gordon, Clarence Parrish, Russell Morton, John
H elen Winfree, Phil M cCuiston, Margaret Porter, Jam;s Fulp. Stockton.
~econ? Row: Mr. Hol?er (teacher), Sue Whicker, Rebecca Watson, Back Row: Zettie Morton Shields, Ida Cobbler, Stella Gordon, Blanch
Charlie Wilson, Forrest Hastmgs, Mr. Carroll, Principal, Myrtle F elts Nelson. Parrish, Sudie Marshall, Bell Pender.
First Row: Harvey Stockton, Charles Wilson Paul D ean, Ralph Ed- Top Row: Carl Matthews, H enry H ead, Ed Mustin, Enic Mouldin,
wards, Roy Warren, John H endrix. ' Luther King, Frank Macy, vValt er Grant, Robert Styles, Robah Whicker,
Back Row: Clifton Harrison, J. M. Pinnix, Clarence Edwards, Ed Robah Kerner, Carl Davis, Jonah Cheeks, Walter Bullocks.
Whitaker, Phil McCuiston, Hugh Ingram, Coach Tom Holder. Second Row: Seymore Albert, Charlie Cooke, Rome Farrington, Amos
Mustin, Tommy Lackev, I. T . Mustin, Clay Perdue, Bud Nelson, Ollie
KHS SPOTLIGHT STAFF 1932 Clark, Lester Bull, Dee Phipps, Homer Vance.
Third Row: Bob Taylor, orman George, Russel Jones, Ernest War-
F~rst Row: H;ug~ Vance, Marjorie Cooke, Florence Joyner, E lsie Parrish, ren, Clyde Brooks, I ra McGee.
Cornelia Snow, Mmme Corum, Margaret Stafford, Roger Linville. UNITED UTILITIES COMPANY OF THE CAROLINAS
Second Row: Carlos Dillon, Mr. Holder, Faculty Adviser Mary Han-
kins, Mary Lee Trent, Era Sisk, L ucile Murphy, H ester Wa~ren, Charles First Row: L t o R: Henry Newsom, Renea Bennett, Clarice Pyrtle, Jane
Clark, Francis Pridgen, W. 0 . Taylor.
Second Row: L to R : Jimmie Ring, Steve Holt, Gerald Swain, Gary
THE 1946 STATE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP. TEAM Davis, Tom Brown, Jimmie Baker (not in picture).
Front Row: Jack Musten, V. W. " Peach es" Parrish, Jr. Richard Stock- Seated: Robert L. Matthews, deceased, Robert L. Brooks, James
ton, Horace "Flutter" Nelson, Edgar Shore. ' Chambers, Thomas Mumford, DeWitt Matthews, Joe L eon Crews, deceased.
Back Row: T ommy Rhue, Frank Goslen, Robert Joyce, William Kerner, Standing: Marion Martin, manager, Curtis · Hairston, Ralph Wright,
George Bellamy. Jaames Wright, William Smith, Freeman Roebuck, McQueen Jones, Kent
Mumford, C harles Palmer, Jack Cousar, Olen ·wright, deceased, Bernard
KERNERSVILLE SCHOOL BAND IN 1952 Chambers, d eceased. .
First Row (Majorettes): Pat Lefever, Bo-Peep Kuykendall, Wilma F lynt, KERNERSVILLE CHRISTMAS CAROLLERS
Barbara Vaden, Judy Crews, Rosa Lee Farrington.
Second Row: Gary Don McGee, H arold Atkins, Charles Sigmon, Bobby Front Row: Garland Warren, L eone Friende, Gresley Chambers, Lucille
Mcqee, S~m Vance, III, Johnny Mack Nelson, Kenneth T aylor, C . W. Pope, Warren, Jackie W atson, Sylvia Brooks, Mozelle Warren, Agnes W ebster,
Jamie Justice, Edward Smith. Inez Merritt, Clayton Waiters, Lydia Jessup.
Third Row: Joern Dwiggins, Ronnie Osborne, Lou Gail Vereen, John Second Row: Carl Chambers, Benny Dillard, Charles Matthews, Donald
Stewart, Joe Ray Ragland, Janet Crutchfield, Charles Stone, Bartlett W arren, Brooks. Carv Waiters, James Jessup. ·
Fourth Row: Larry Linville, Jerry Winfree, Elaine Crews Ronnie Third Row: Reginald Warren, Rufus W arren, Roscoe Jessup.
Whicker, Solly Coltrane, Jr. ' Fourth Row: Aaron Warren, Michael W arren, Genell Brooks, Thur-
mond Waiters, Rodney Smith.
T. C. McC uiston home in 1912:
F irst Row: Jimmie Beeson, C. A. Lemmons, Ronald O sborne, William Front Row: John Ring, George Perry.
Bennett, Tomm y Echols, George Groce. Second Row: Wyatt Mooney, W. L. Kirkman, A. T, Linville, Captain
Second Row: Steve Blaylock, Orbie Chandler, Phillip Berrier Rick Elias Huff, June Pegg.
Ja rrell, Bill Sechrest Jerry Echols. . ' Third Row: Seymour Albert, W yatt Perry, Arthur Ballard, Clyd e Rag-
Third Row: Clarence Berrier, Spencer Williard, Tony Idol M arty land.
Simpson, Jimmy Stockton, Eugene Perdue. '
Fourth Row: Charlie M orris, James T eagu e, Jim Walker, Wick Walker.
MADRIGAL SINGERS THE LOCAL BAND IN 1940 playing at the Community House.
Front Row: Harold Taylor, Lloyd Smith, Jim Shore, Allen Smith.
Front Row : Janice Phillips, Mike Idol, Connie Crawford, Kent Bowen Second Row: Bill Ragland (at the piano), Philip Komer, Jr., John R.
Penny Vance, Jim Gibbs, Rose Ellen Wall, Frankie Luck, Janice F loyd' Flynt, --- W hicker.
David Neu gent, Mona Binkley. ' Back Row: Lee Flynt, Vic Strader, Dewey H endrix, Fred Beeson .
. Second ~ ow: Mike Kiger, Susan Flynt, Harold Cox, Mary Catherine
Swa~m, Jackie Blaylock, Sue Tart, Rich ard Griffith, Jacques E. Borio, SCENES FROM THE COLO IAL TEA which the Joseph Kerner
President R. J . Reynolds (Europe), S. A., Takeeta Holland, Kevin Redmon Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution held at the D. W . Harmon
D ebbie Perry, Bob Dillon. ' hom e in June, 1940.
Standing: Annie Allen, Mrs. John Welborne, Jean Whitaker, Maud
Ring, Dore Donnell, Berenice Kerner, Iona Bellamy, India Whittington,
KERNER REUNION 1932 Lucie Hoskins, Virginia Linville. Seated: Unknown and Margaret Tark-
F irst Row: Children 1. Polly Donnell, 3. Martha Morton, 10 . William ington.
Kerner, 15. George Bellamy, 16. Louise Bellamy, 17. India Groome, 18. COLO IAL TEA
E llen Groome.
. Secm~d Row: 1. E stelle _Kerner Bouldin holding son, 2 . Hubbard Mor- Whitaker, Betsy Ring, Betty Larkins, Marguerite Kerner, Miss Rayle,
n s, 3. G id Kerner, 4 . Addie Kerner Adkins, 5 . Naomi Morton, 6 . Fern Kathryn Bellamy, Tommy H olt , Bess \Vhitaker, Margaret T arkington, Polly
Morris 1 8 . Ella Kerner Shore holding Edgar Shore, 12 . Cornelia Hastings, Dore Donnell, Mary Lou Stafford.
13. T1lla H armon, 19. Dore Korner Donnell, 2 1. Doris Allen, 22. Billy
Bellam y, 23. Kathryn Bellam y, 24: James Authur Holloman. GIRL SCOUT FOURTH OF JULY FLOAT
Third Row: 1. Berenice Kerner, 4. Gertie Kerner Smith 5 . Myrtle
Kerner Vance, 6 . India Whittington, 7. Jennie Korner 14. Fra~ces Kerner Back Row: H elen F lynt, Betty Southern, Sylvia Lewis, Mary Sue
17 . John Vance, 20. Philip Korner, Jr., 2 1. Lanier 'oonnell, 22. Georgi~ Kerner.
Morris, 23. R.B. Kerner, Jr. Middle Row: Joem Dwiggins, Betty Sue Simpson, Karen Crutchfield,
Fourth Row: 1. Maude Kerner Ring, 4. Carl Kerner, 5. Iona Morton Erleen Ingram, Barbara West, Ruth Smith, Colleen Carter, Wilma F lynt,
Bellamy, 6. Will Stockton, 9. Kathleen Korner, 13 . Mattie Shore, 14 . Libby H orton, Frances McKaughan, Elaine Crews.
Philip Korner, Sr., 16. Susan Kerner, 17. Robah Kerner (Va.), 18. Robah Front Row: Jeanette Cooke, Pat LeFever, Shirley Simpson, D iane
Kerner (Kernersville), 19 . Bill Morton, 20. Ted Kerner, 2 1. H omer Vance, Stone, Faye Overby, Lou Gail Vereen, Moonyeen Wright, Shirley Smith,
22. John Kerner, 23. Ed Shore, 24. Frank Kerner, 25. Fred Morris, 26. Shirley Vance.
F ifth Row: 1. D. W. H armon, 2 . Rev. Billups, 3. E llen Whittington, 4.
Margaret Allen, 5 . Annie Allen, 7. Octavia Korner, 8 . Fran Morton Keith McGee, apoleon Bowie, Wayne Peddycord, E. V . Sears, Oscar
9. Amanda Fontaine, 10. Essie Kerner, 11. R. B. Kerner holding Dorothy Robbins, N. D . Lauten, Sr., Roger Swisher, Grady Swisher, Melvin Swisher,
Ann. Dennis Cusson, Tom Strader, Hilda Brown, Otis Pegram, Bill Wohlford.