P. 98
WHEREAS, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Ilundr<>d
Seventy-One, a certain personage by the name of William Dobson acquired
by purchase a certain tract or pa.reel of real estate situate on and around
a certain intersection of two by-ways, one of which was designated and
known as the Salem-Danville Head , and the other leading from the rnounlains
of the north to the coastal plains at Fayetteville, North Carolina, said
intersection bearing the name of its owner, 11 Dobson 1 s Crossroads";
WI!EHF.AS, in 1817, the above refecTed to property was purchased
by ,Joseph Kerner and henceforth the Crossroads was designated as Ker11er 1 s
Crossroads, and subsequent thereto became known as Kernersville:
\,\'l!EREAS, on the 31st clay of March , 1871, the Honorable
Senator Sterling Adams of Walnut Cove, l\orth Carolina, representative
of the Thirty-fourth Senatorial District to the General Assembly of the
State of North Carolina introduced Legislative Bill 'umber 351 to incorporate
the Town of Kernersville, and the said c;eneral Assembly did in fact vote
affirmatively on said legislation; and
WHEREAS, approximately two hundred years have pass<>d sinl'e
the commencing of the events mentioned al;ove* and it seems fitting and proper
that a commemoration of these histori~a] occurrences take place. and further
that the citizens and residents of the Town of Kernersville unite i.n festive
celebration thereof,
J OW, THEREFORE, by the authority vested in the Office of the
Mayor of the Town of Kernersville, IT IS JIEHEBY DECLARED /I ·o
PROCLAIMED that the year of our Lord One Thousand J\ine Hundred Seventy-
One be and is designated as the Year of Uicentennial of the Town of Kerners-
ville , and
Town Square looking West 1920's
comniencing on the twenty-seventh day of March, and concluding on the
third day of April , Hl71 , be set aside as the time of festive celebration and
to be known as the Week of Bicentennial of the Town of Kernersville, '\lorth
Carolina and in order to give proper public notice hereof, be it further
declared that this proclamation and copies thereof be posted at the courthouse
door of the county seat of the County of Forsyth, State of 1'orlh Carolina; at
the Town Hall or the Town of Kernersville and at such other puhlic places as
is fitting and proper .
IN WIT ESS \Vl!EREOF, I . the Mayor of the Town of Kcrnyrs
do hereby set my hand and attach thereto the Great Seal o~,e Tow)Y'of
Kernersville. this the twelfth day of .January, Ul7l . . ,,/
. '--·
Town Square looking East 1920's
Street scene on Town Square late