P. 82

Mr.  George  Virgil  Fulp,  Pres-
                                                               ident  of  the  Bank  of  Kernersville.
                                                               This  picture  was  made  around
                                                               1903,  the  year  the  bank  opened.

                                                                                                     The  old  Bank  Building  was  built  for  the  Bank  of  Ker-
                                                                                                 nersville  in  1903.  It  was  restored  in  recent  years  by  Mr.  John
                                                                                                 Lain  and  is  now  used  by  the  Chamber  of  Commerce.

                                                   This  brick  structure  is  probably  the  oldest  store  building  still  in  _use  in
                                              Kernersville.  It  was  built  by  Mr.  John  King  in  1879.  In  1882  1t  was
                                              bought  by  Mr.  Jim  King,  his  brother,  who  operated  it  as  a  general  st~re.
                                              Later  it  was  purchased  by  Fulp  &  Linville  and  was  one  of  the  leadmg
                                              general  stores  in  Kernersville  for  many  years.  It is  now  occupied  by  Corder's.

                                                   Corder's  Inc.,  Men's  and  Boys'  Clothing,  104  South  Main  Street.  Pic-
                                         .........   tured  are:  Garry  Snow,  Melva  Corder and Gaither Corder,

                                                                                       Rink".  This  firm  decorated  homes,  churches,  etc.  in  the
                                                                                       artistic  manner.  They  also  introduced  billboard  adver-
                                                                                       tising to  the tobacco  industry  and  were  especially  noted
                                                                                       for  the  Bull  Durham  smoking  tobacco  advertising.
                                                                                            The  1888  Chamber  of  Commerce  bulletin,  already
                                                                                       referred  to,  contains  the  following  account  of  the  first
                                                                                       newspaper  established  in  Kernersville.  "The  Kernersville
                                                                                       News  was  started  by  T.  A.  Lyon  and  H.  C.  Edwards,
                                                                                       April  1st '81  ... It was  at first  printed on  a  small  hand
                                                                                       press.  It was  bought  by  J.  H.  Lindsay  July  1st,  1883
                                                                                       and  all  the  old  type  has  been  replaced  by  new - also
                                                                                       new  cases,  stands  and  jobbing  outfit  added.  There  are
                                                                                       printed  at  this  office  besides  fhe  News,  the  Thomasville
             Wachovia  Bank  &  Trust  Company  merged  in  1965  with  the  Bank  of   Gazette  and  the  Summerfield  Gleaner.  The  job  patron-
         Kernersville,  which  had  served  the  community  since  January  1,  1903.  W.  S.
         Linville,  W.  H.  Mendenhall,  George  V.  Fulp,  Sr.,  and  George  Vance  Fulp   age  has  largely  increased  and  it  has  become  one  of  the
         were  Presidents  of  the  Bank  of  Kernersville.  Vann  H.  Johnson  has  headed
         Wachovia's  operations  here  since  1965.  Wachovia's  new  office  was  opened   best paying  country  papers  in  North  Carolina."
         in  1967.  Pictured  are:  Nora  Williard,  Nancy  Sapp,  Chris  Westmoreland,
         Debbie  Miller,  Juanita  Fulp,  Barbara  Horney,  W.  J,  O'Brien,  Judy  Weavil,   Since  that early time  much water has  run over the
         Dorothy  Helms,  Sylvia  Apple,  Donna  Kiger,  Judy  Atkins,  Helen  Fulp,
          Gloria  Oglesby  and  Vann Johnson.                                          newspaper dam.  Many changes have come from  time to
                                                                                       time  in  name,  operation  and  ownership.  The  -present

                                                                                       Kernersville  News  has  been  operated  by  Carter  Pub-
                                                                                       lishing Co.  for  more  than thirty years.  It is  modern  and
                                                                                       efficient  in  every  way.  The  people  of  this  part  of  For-
                                                                                       syth  and  adjoining  counties  are  justly  proud  of  their
                                                                                            Some  family  names  in  Kernersville,  through  long
                                                                                       time  association,  have  come  to  stand  for  certain  busi-
                                                                                       nesses.  Thus  when  you  say  "Pinnix"  you  think  of  the
                                                                                       drug store  and "on  the  square since  1904".

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