P. 85
Employees of Ring Furniture Factory pose
for a picture in 1918. Names listed on
page 96
Kernersville Furniture Manufacturing Co. was a
strong asset to our town in the early 1900's and through
the twenties. Employment was given to a good num-
ber of hands at a time when jobs were scarce. Several
large factory buildings were located on the site now
occupied by Kernersville Lumber Co. Mr. M. Vance
Fulp was a leader in this enterprise and associated with
him were S. G. (Mr. Cid) Ring and J. Arthur Linville
and others.
Since early times the doctors of our community Dr. W. C. Ashworth
practiced medicine in
have devoted themselves day and night to the health Kernersville for sever-
al years around the
problems of the people. Space will only permit the turn of the century.
He later moved to
mention of names of doctors who have passed on and Greensboro where he
operat e d Glenwood
discussion of the present highly trained and efficient Sanitarium.
medical men will be left to the historians of the future.
Dr. Elias Kerner was the first full time doctor here.
His life and work have been discussed el ewhere. Dr.
Cornelius Kerner was a son of John Frederick Kerner
and younger brother of Dr. Elias Kerner. He was known
as "Little Doc." His home was later the S. G. Ring home
on Main Street south of the S & R Motor Co. He moved
to Henderson, N. C. and spent most of his life there.
Dr. A. D. Lindsay was a post surgeon in the Civil
War. He was married to a daughter of Israel Kerner.
Dr. Levi Bodenhamer practiced here a number of
years. He was also a Primitive Baptist preacher for
thirty-five years and had charge of the Saints Delight
Dr. W. P. Dix graduated from Baltimore Medical
College in 187 4. He also practiced in Walkertown be-
fore coming here.
Dr. W. C. Ashworth is well remembered here. He
married a Kernersville girl, Miss Birdie Sapp. He also
read medicine under Dr. Elias Kerner. After a number
Dr. R. L. Carlton follow- of years practice here he moved to Greensboro where he
ed Dr. Ashworth as the only
doctor in Kernersville for a operated the Glenwood Sanitarium. This writer was
time. He was in Kernersville
from approximately 1905- his regular patient for such things as a broken arm,
1915. After he left Kerners-
ville, he practiced in Win- blown up with powder, shot by a toy pistol, childhood
ston-Salem for one year. He
was then asked to establish diseases, etc.
the City Health Depa,tment
and thereafter served as its Dr. R. L. Carlton succeeded Dr. Ashworth. After
head until his retirement. He
died in 1967. leaving Kernersville he established the City Health De-
partment in Winston-Salem.
Dr. J. R. Paddison and Dr. J. T. Justice carried_ the