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JNTUA College of Engineering (Autonomous), Ananthapuramu
                                 Department of Computer Science & Engineering
                                                  ENGINEERING DRAWING
               Course Code:                                Semester – I(R20)                   L T P C: 1 0 2 2
               Course Objectives:
                   •  Bring awareness that Engineering Drawing is the Language ofEngineers
                   •  Familiarize how industry communicates technicalinformation
                   •  Teach the practices for accuracy and clarity in presenting the technical information
                   •  Develop the engineering imagination essential for successfuldesign

               Course Outcomes:
                   •  Draw various curves applied in engineering
                   •  Plot the projection of points, Lines and planes
                   •  Draw the projections of solids inclined to one or both planes
                   •  Draw the sectional view and true shape of the regular solids
                   •  Draw the development of surfaces of solids

               UNIT – I:
               Introduction to Engineering Drawing: Principles of Engineering Drawing andits significance-
               Conventions in drawing-lettering - BIS conventions.
               a)Conic sections including the rectangular hyperbola- general methodonly,
               b) Cycloid, epicycloids andhypocycloid
               c) Involutes

               UNIT – II:
               Projection of points, lines and planes: Projection of points in any quadrant, lines inclined to one or
               both planes, finding true lengths, angle made by line. Projections of regular plane surfaces.

               UNIT – III:
               Projections of solids: Projections of regular solids inclined to one or both planes by rotational or

               UNIT – IV:
               Sections of solids: Section planes and sectional view of right regular solids- prism, cylinder, pyramid
               and cone. True shapes of the sections.

               UNIT – V:
               Development of surfaces: Development of surfaces of right regular solids-prism, cylinder, pyramid,
               cone and their sectional parts

               Text books:
                     1.  K.L.Narayana&P.Kannaiah, Engineering Drawing, 3/e, Scitech Publishers, Chennai,
                     2.  N.D.Bhatt, Engineering Drawing, 53/e, Charotar Publishers,2016

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