Page 22 - Microsoft Word - B.Tech. Course Structure (R20) WITH 163 CREDITS
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JNTUA College of Engineering (Autonomous), Ananthapuramu
                                Department of Computer Science & Engineering
                                          COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH LAB
               Course Code:                        Semester – I(R20)                   L T P C: 0 0 3 1.5
               Course Objectives:

                   •   students will be exposed to a variety of self instructional, learner friendly modes of language learning
                   •   students will learn better pronunciation through stress, intonation and rhythm
                   •   students will be trained to use language effectively to face interviews, group discussions, public
                   •   students will be initiated into greater use of the computer in resume preparation, report writing, format
                       making etc

                Course Outcomes

                   •   Listening and repeating the sounds of English Language
                   •   Understand the different aspects of the English language
                   •   proficiency with emphasis on LSRW skills
                   •   Apply communication skills through various language learning activities  Analyze the English speech
                       sounds, stress, rhythm, intonation and syllable  Division for better listening and speaking
                   •   Evaluate and exhibit acceptable etiquette essential in social and professional settings  Create
                       awareness on mother tongue influence and neutralize it in order to  Improve fluency in spoken

                List of Topics

                       1.  Phonetics
                       2.  Reading comprehension
                       3.  Describing objects/places/persons
                       4.  Role Play or Conversational Practice
                       5.  JAM
                       6.  Etiquettes of Telephonic Communication
                       7.  Information Transfer
                       8.  Note Making and Note Taking 9.E-mail Writing
                       10. Group Discussions-1
                       11. Resume Writing
                       12. Debates
                       13. Oral Presentations
                       14. Poster Presentation
                       15. Interview Skills-1

                Suggested Software

                       Orel, Walden Infotech, Young India Films

                Reference Books

   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27