Page 19 - Microsoft Word - B.Tech. Course Structure (R20) WITH 163 CREDITS
P. 19

JNTUA College of Engineering (Autonomous), Ananthapuramu
                                Department of Computer Science & Engineering
                                           ENGINEERING GRAPHICS LAB
               Course Code:                        Semester – (R20)                    L T P C: 0 0 2 1
               Course Objectives:
                     •  Instruct the utility of drafting & modelling packages in orthographic and isometric
                     •  Instruct graphical representation of machinecomponents

               UNIT: Computer Aided Drafting
               Introduction  to  Geometric  Modeling:  Basic  drawing  and  editing  commands:  line,  circle,
               rectangle,  erase,  view,  undo,  redo,  snap,  object  editing,  moving,  copying,  rotating,  scaling,
               mirroring,     layers,   templates,     polylines,   trimming,     extending,     stretching,
               Dimensioning principles and conventional representations.

               Orthographic  Projections:  Systems  of  projections,  conventions  and  application  to  orthographic
               projections - simple objects.

               Isometric Projections: Principles of isometric projection- Isometric scale; Isometric views:
               lines, planes, simple solids.

               Text books:

                     1.  K. Venugopal,  V.Prabhu Raja, Engineering Drawing + Auto Cad, New Age International
                     2.  Kulkarni D.M, AP Rastogi and AK Sarkar, Engineering Graphics with Auto Cad,
                         PHI Learning, Eastern Economy editions.

               Reference Books:

                     •  T. Jayapoovan, Engineering Graphics using Auto Cad, Vikas Publishing House
                     •  K.L.Narayana&P.Kannaiah, Engineering Drawing, 3/e, Scitech Publishers, Chennai,
                     •  Linkan Sagar, BPB Publications, Auto Cad 2018 Training Guide.
                     •  K.C.John, Engineering Graphics, 2/e, PHI,2013
                     •  Basant  Agarwal  &C.M.Agarwal,  Engineering  Drawing,  Tata  McGraw-Hill,  Copy
                         Right, 2008

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