Page 4 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 2018 FINAL
P. 4
International visitors keen to
learn about Canadian ag
A group of agriculture business delegates were in Vegreville this week to learn more about Canadian farms and farming
practices. Part of their visit included a guided tour of our new elevator in Vegreville and an overview of grain handling and
marketing in Western Canada.
From the Front
On Viterra’s partnership with the
Canadian Foodgrains Bank:
“It’s a great project to be involved in.
Part of the highlight is helping to feed
those who are underfed, and the other
part is bringing people in the community
together to do so.”
- Gary Orthner, Raymore area farmer,
who’s farming 60 acres of Viterra land for
the CFGB. Find out more on page 8.
The Pacific Coast Canola Plant COMPLETION
We’re approaching another
milestone moment for our
asset network, with both of
our new builds at Wadena
and Vegreville very close to
New delivery scheduler now available At Wadena, we plan to start
accepting farmer deliveries
in early July, with first
This week we launched an exciting new The delivery scheduler will support our shipments starting in mid-
service enhancement for our customers. weekly planning and allow for better August. We plan to hold a
Our delivery scheduler is an in-house transparency, and comes as a result grand opening event there
solution designed to improve our of careful research based on customer in early October.
customers’ experience at our facilities and staff surveys, and a pilot that was
by allowing producers to book their conducted at ten of our sites last year. At Vegreville, we tentatively
deliveries in advance and help reduce We’d like to take this opportunity to thank plan to start accepting
lineups and wait times. It also includes our team responsible for developing the deliveries at the end of
an alert option to remind them of scheduler, as well as to the employees September, with shipping
upcoming deliveries, and make changes that provided their input and suggestions to potentially start in mid-to-
if needed. to ensure that we provide our customers late October.
with another value-added service option
when dealing with our company.