Page 6 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 2018 FINAL
P. 6

Five Questions With

       DENIS WILSON                         What are some of your responsibilities?  changes while working in Winnipeg,
                                            I oversee export vessel and container   Vancouver and now back in Regina for the
                                            logistics that involves working closely   second time.
                                            with teams in Regina, at ports and
                                            overseas offices.    I also manage the   What do you like best about working
                                            domestic laker freight program where   at Viterra?
                                            we ship grain from the Great Lakes to St.   Every day is different and I continue to
                                            Lawrence ports.                       learn new things.

                                            What work accomplishment are          What do you like to do in your spare
                                            you most proud of?                    time?
                                            It’s difficult to single out one      I enjoy staying active including biking,
                                            accomplishment.  I am proud of my     hiking and golf.  In the winters I also
       What is your role with Viterra and how
       long have you been part of the team?  ability to adapt to change.  I’ve held   enjoy snowmobiling.
                                            many positions in accounting, trade
       My current role is Manager, Marine   execution, logistics and vessel chartering.
       Transportation.  I’ve been with Viterra for   I experienced multiple organizational
       over 23 years.

        Engineering student drawn to innovation in agriculture

       From a young age, Drake Cornell had a   “During one of Drake’s work terms with IT,   Drake finished his last semester and after
       fascination with applying electrical and   he expressed an interest in the work that   receiving his degree in Electronic Systems
       electronics technology to find innovative   we were doing so we decided to bring him   Engineering, he was offered a permanent
       ways to solve real-world problems.  After   on in a term position says Paul Bourlon,   position on the Automation Services team.
       finishing high school in Moose Jaw,   Manager of Automation Services.  “Soon
       he began studying engineering at the   after he started, it became apparent that   “I’m very thankful that the management
       University of Regina and honing his skills.    he was a very hard worker, not afraid to   teams at Viterra encouraged my interest
       Soon after, he began his first work term   take on new things, and a very quick study.   and allowed me to work in the field I had
       at Viterra through the co-op program and   We had him on small projects at first then   always wanted to,” says Drake.  “I am glad
       was placed with the IT department’s Grain   progressively more difficult tasks, and   to be a part of the culture of ingenuity and
       Applications team.                    quickly realized that he’d be a great fit on   advancement encouraged here, and I think
                                             our team.”                           Viterra represents the best of our community
       “This was my first exposure to the culture                                 and the ag industry.”
       of innovation present at Viterra, and I was   For his final university engineering project,
       impressed by applications such as SIPS   Drake was part of a team of four students
       which have been purpose built for the   that designed and built a data-logging
       unique needs of the business,” says Drake.  and real-time monitoring system for the
                                             University’s Cougar Motorsports “Baja”
       As a result of this positive work experience,  team.  The Baja team consists of University
       he ended up working for Viterra during all   students who design and build an off-road
       of four his work terms while completing   vehicle to compete against universities
       his studies – two with IT and two with   across North America. The monitoring
       Automation. He soon found that the    system is essentially like a “black box” used
       automation side of the business was what   in aircraft, and provides live data feedback
       he wanted to pursue after taking part in a   for the pit crew on parameters such as
       facility tour and seeing firsthand some of   speed, fuel level, and GPS location.  The
       the work done by the automation team.  team was awarded the Lockheed Martin
                                             Award for Best Project.

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