Page 7 - Viterra Vibe Newsletter Sept 2017 - FINAL FINAL - TEST
P. 7

VITERRA  VIBE  NEWSLETTER                                                                           PAGE 7


          campaign is entering its 25th year and   Viterra Lethbridge lent a helping
          has raised millions of dollars to-date   hand to the Lethbridge Interfaith
          with over 500,000 door-to-door visits   Foodbank once again this year,
          made each year.                    supporting their annual ‘Whoop Up
                                             Days’ pancake breakfast that fed
                                             900 people, its biggest turnout ever.
          “Viterra’s sponsorship of the STARS   Viterra supplied the baked beans, and
          calendar directly contributes      our employees volunteered to provide
          to the success of this important   their professional pancake flipping
          annual fundraising and awareness   and egg turning services.  Overall,
          campaign,” said Andrea Robertson,   $5000 was raised that will help needy    The Viterra team gears up to serve
          STARS president and CEO. “Each     individuals in the community.  Great   breakfast to hundreds of hungry people.
          month, the calendar features a patient   job to everyone involved!
          story as well as images of our crew
          and our allies who make STARS

          As part of our sponsorship, Viterra
          will sell calendars and STARS
          merchandise at all of our grain
          elevator locations until Friday,
          December 8.   We encourage you to
          raise awareness on this initiative, so
          we can help raise funds for this great


          In June, Viterra participated in ‘Plaid   Employees at various locations came together to recognize this important initiative.
          for Dad’ to help raise awareness                 Clockwise from top left – Brandon, Balgonie, Kindersley, Grassy Lake.
          and vital research funds for prostate
          cancer.  Through various fundraisers,
          employee events, as well as
          corporate matching funds we raised
          $5,000 to support this important cause.
          Our efforts landed us in 2nd place in
          the top fundraising workplaces (Mega
          Workplace Category).  Launched in
          2015, Plaid for Dad aims to help the 1
          in 7 men who will be diagnosed with
          prostate cancer in their lifetime.

             WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

             We want to make this a quality newsletter that is engaging and informative.  If you have comments to
             share on this issue or if you have a story idea for an upcoming edition, please reach out to us anytime at
             viterra .communications@viterra .com.
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