Page 6 - Viterra Vibe Newsletter Sept 2017 - FINAL FINAL - TEST
P. 6

VITERRA  VIBE  NEWSLETTER                                                                           PAGE 6


          Viterra and the Canadian Foodgrains   decision to volunteer for the project.
          Bank to celebrate partnership       “We’re so abundantly blessed. We
                                              have so much food here in Canada—
                                              too much food. There’s lots of places
          Next month we will be celebrating   where that’s not the case,” he says.
          our successful partnership with the
          Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB)
          with a field event at Balgonie on   Foodgrains Bank Executive Director
          October 13.  Speakers will include   Jim Cornelius is grateful for the
          Kyle Jeworski, Balgonie farmer      support of both the Groeneweg family
          Franck Groeneweg, Foodgrains Bank   as well as Viterra.
          Executive Director Jim Cornelius, and                                      The Viterra group at the STARS
          Member of Parliament for Regina-                                                 Winnipeg base.
                                              “This is an exciting partnership for
                                              us.  Viterra has been a stalwart    “STARS and its talented team
                                              supporter of Foodgrains Bank       of professionals have done an
                                              community growing projects for many  amazing job of developing the tools
                                              years. Farmers are known for being   and resources needed to save
                                              resourceful, and working with what   lives,” said Kyle Jeworski, Viterra’s
                                              they have. This new partnership    President and CEO for North America.
                                              represents a creative way of using   “Through its continued passion and
                                              the resources available to us for an   commitment, we have an invaluable
                                              important cause—helping to feed    and elite emergency medical service.
                                              hungry people.”                    Viterra and STARS share a common
                                                                                 connection to rural communities
          Viterra and CFGB’s field sign at Balgonie.                             across Western Canada, and we’re
                                              In addition to providing the land,
          Qu’Appelle Andrew Scheer.           we will also provide the CFGB with   proud to continue helping them tell
                                                                                 their inspirational stories.”
          Last spring, we provided the CFGB   a donation of $5 for each tonne of
          with access to 42 acres of land     crops donated to the organization
          to farm around our terminals in     through one of our 68 grain elevators   The annual STARS calendar
          Balgonie, Saskatchewan and Stettler,   in Western Canada.              campaign is a long-standing and
          Alberta. Two farmers from each of                                      important fundraiser for STARS. The
          the areas volunteered their time to   Viterra continues helping STARS tell
          farm the land, and proceeds from the   inspirational stories
          sale of the crop will be donated to the
          CFGB to support its food assistance
          programs for countries in the       Last week, Viterra announced
          developing world.                   that it is continuing its partnership
                                              with the Shock Trauma Air Rescue
                                              Service (STARS) to sponsor its 2018
          Franck and Kari Groeneweg farmed    fundraising calendar. Viterra has
          the land around the Balgonie terminal.    sponsored the STARS calendar
          For them, it was an important way to   campaign since 2015 by covering the
          contribute.                         full printing costs of each of the more

                                              than 70,000 calendars sold across
          “Using agriculture as a means of    Western Canada every year.   This
          giving back is something we’d wanted   year’s campaign kicked off at STARS’
          to do for a while now,” explains    Winnipeg base at an event with     A STARS crew is dispatched to a farm to
          Franck Groeneweg, on his family’s   officials from both organizations.   provide emergency medical support.
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