Page 1 - Viterra Vibe Newsletter Sept 2017 - FINAL FINAL - TEST
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                                             MESSAGE FROM KYLE

          FALL 2017
                                                                                  in key areas and addressing gaps in
         IN THIS ISSUE:                                                           our asset network, we are looking to
                                                                                  the future and sustainable, long term
         WADENA CONCRETE POUR  . . . . . . . . . 2                                growth.

         GRAND FORKS GRAND OPENING  . . . . 2
         CUSTOMER SURVEY   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3                        Recently, we also distributed a survey
                                                                                  targeting thousands of customers in
         FIVE QUESTIONS WITH  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                                  our network, to better understand what
         FOCUS ON EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS  . . . 5                                      we’re doing well as a company and
         COMMUNITY INVESTMENTS  . . . . . . . . 6                                 where we need to improve.  Engaging
                                                                                  with our customers in this way is an
                                                                                  important touch point for us, and will
                                                                                  help us refine our value proposition
        Another fall is upon us, and that means  months of planning and preparation.  In
        harvest has been in full swing for the   six days the facility went from ground   and determine how we can best help
        last several weeks.  In fact, this year’s   level to over 130 feet in height, with a   them achieve success.  It is also one
        harvest began earlier than in recent   large crew working around the clock to   of several ways that will help us target
        years and has been completed across   successfully complete it.  This project   where we need to keep focusing our
        many areas of Western Canada.        has generated a lot of interest and   investment dollars including our assets,
                                             enthusiasm in the community, and we   technology and the ongoing training
                                             look forward to accepting deliveries   and development of our staff.
        While the quantity and quality of crops   there next summer.
        differ each year, what never changes is
        our need to focus on providing the best                                  Initiatives like this one and others are
        customer service year round across   Over in Vegreville, ground work is   driven by the fact that our business
        our asset network.  It’s critical that we   underway and the foundation is in   is dynamic and constantly evolving.
        consistently maintain this focus, and   the process of being completed in   We can’t afford to stand still, and our
        ensure that we provide our customers   preparation for the concrete pour   processes and how we approach our
        a high level of service regardless of   there, which is expected to take place   business can never remain static.
        what’s happening in global markets or   later this fall.                 We need to keep having meaningful
        industry events that are outside of our                                  conversations with our customers
        control.                                                                 to understand their needs.  By doing
                                             In both instances these new facilities   this consistently, we can ensure that
                                             represent a long term commitment to   we’re moving in the right direction and
        Currently, we have two major projects   our customers, and confidence that   providing the value that they need.
        underway that support our focus      these regions will continue to play
        on service.  A few weeks ago, we     an important role for us as we work   Have a great fall, and please stay safe.
        completed the concrete pour of our   towards executing on our mission
        new facility at Wadena, a milestone   to connect more customers to more
        moment that is the culmination of    places.  By revitalizing our presence   Kyle

             At Viterra, people are our greatest strength.  Please visit our Careers page regularly
                                for exciting new opportunities across our company.
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