Page 4 - Viterra Vibe_December 2024 (Final)
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Viterra Celebrates 100 Years!

       Viterra, or as it was known then,    In the last one hundred years, we’ve   political, and economic development of
       Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, was first   invested billions of dollars in our asset   Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
       established in 1924.                 network, from grain elevators to port   Our customers and partners are the
       Soon after the company was created,   facilities to crush plants, to allow us   foundation of our business and have
       it purchased the former Sherwood     to move more crops faster and more    allowed us to succeed in a highly
       Department Store on the corner of Albert   efficiently. In 1925, we built our first   competitive industry. We look forward
       Street and Victoria Avenue in Regina, SK,   grain elevator in Bulyea, SK, which had   to continuing to contribute to the
       and made it the company’s head office.   a storage capacity of about 800 tonnes.   communities where we operate for years
       From this location, Sask Wheat Pool   Today, we’re building grain elevators that   to come.
       coordinated its provincial grain handling   can store up to 40,000 tonnes of grain.   On November 26 we hosted a reception
       operations and international marketing   In the 1920s, a fully loaded train destined   to celebrate our 100-year history in
       efforts on behalf of thousands of farmers   for export consisted of less than 10 cars   partnership with Deloitte. Deloitte opened
       across the province. We’ve marketed and   which held 40 tonnes per car. Today,   its first office in Regina soon after Sask
       moved our farmers’ crops to nearly every   we’re loading trains of up to 170 rail cars   Wheat Pool was first established, and
       country in the world during this time,   carrying up to 17,000 tonnes of grain.  we’ve maintained a strong professional
       helping to feed millions upon millions of   Over the last century, our company has   relationship that lasts to this day.
       people in the process.               played an integral role in the social,

       Left: Historic photo of the Regina office building; Middle: Historic photo of the first contracts collected in 1924; Right: Cathy Warner, partner
       at Deloitte, Kyle Jeworski, CEO for Viterra Canada and Linda Blair, member of the Deloitte Canada and Chile Board of Directors and Vice-
       Chair at the Viterra & Deloitte 100-year celebration.
       Pacific Port Terminal Celebrates 100 years!                                300,000mt milestone

       Earlier this week, Viterra, along several                                  Shout out to Alexandra Rossing, CAR
       members from the Port of Vancouver                                         in Sexsmith, AB who accomplished the
       community, came together to celebrate                                      significant achievement of purchasing
       Pacific Port Terminal’s 100 years of                                       300,000 mt in 2024! Congratulations to
       operation.  On Dec. 16, 1924 the MV                                        Alex on her hard work and dedication in
       ‘Tenpaisan Maru’ was the first vessel to                                   reaching this milestone!
       be loaded at Pacific, which was loaded
       with 10,000 bushels of wheat.  Viterra
       took over operations at the facility
       in 2007, and since then we’ve made
       significant investments to ensure it
       operates smoothly and efficiently. Check
       out our virtual tour to see how the facility

       Top: Pacific Port Terminal; Above: The first ever vessel at PAC, the MV “Tenpaisan Maru”, was
       loaded on Dec. 16, 1924 with 10,000 bushels.

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