Page 7 - Viterra Vibe_December 2024 (Final)
P. 7

Five questions with Gorana Brown                                           Long service

                                             It’s hard to pinpoint one thing; I have had
                                             the extreme privilege to work on many
                                             exciting projects with exceptional teams   Congratulations to the following
                                             during my years at Viterra. Some of the   employees who achieved significant
                                             notable projects include the launch of   milestones at Viterra between
                                             myViterra Alerts and the Delivery Booking   September 1 - December 31, 2024. Thank
                                             calendar; the initial GrainSuite offering   you for your continued dedication and
                                             which featured vessel management     service!
                                             capabilities and then went on to expand   45 YEARS
                                             to many more areas including logistics,
                                             finance, and marketing; the integration   Darcy Cramb, Head Cleanerperson at
       What is your role with Viterra and how   of our business data with Salesforce (aka   Cascadia Terminal
                                                                                  Scott Jordison, Facility Assistant II in
       long have you been part of the team?  C360), and many more.                Tisdale, SK
       I have been a part of Viterra’s IT team for   What do you like best about working at   Brenda McDonald, Accounting Clerk in
       almost 9 years. I have been in my current   Viterra?                       Regina Office
       role as Team Lead of our amazing .NET   I am very fortunate to work with a very   Stephen Sutton, Dockperson at Cascadia
       software developers for 2 years.      talented and knowledgeable team that   Terminal
       I received my Bachelor of Science degree   makes coming to work every day feel   James Tait, Pellet Plant Operator at
       in Computer Science from University   more like ‘teamwork makes the dream   Cascadia Terminal
       of Regina and worked for a small music   work’ and less like ‘I’m just here for the
       publishing company in Ontario as the sole   coffee.’ One thing is for sure when you are  35 YEARS
       IT resource for few years afterwards. I   working at Viterra – change is constant.   Kirk Olson, Customer Account
       moved back to Regina to work for a local   We are continuously looking for ways   Representative in Melfort, SK
       tech company for about 7 years before   to improve, automate, and streamline
       Viterra decided they’d take me on in   processes, especially within IT.    30 YEARS
       2016. I guess they figured, 'Why not have   What do you like to do in your spare   Brad Flavel, Territory Manager
       someone who knows both tech and how   time?                                Joe Marklund, Operations Supervisor at
       to survive a Regina winter?'          In my spare time I moonlight as a    Cascadia Terminal
       What are some of your responsibilities?  chauffeur for my kids, driving them to   Kevin Mason, Manager, Engineering &
       My team and I typically work on       their various sports and social events.   Project Management in Winnipeg, MB
       GrainSuite-related enhancements and   When I’m not chauffeuring, I stay active   Darrin Wills, Panel Control Operator
       projects that come to us directly from   by playing indoor volleyball in winter and   Chargehand at Cascadia Terminal
       the business; or as part of regulatory   beach volleyball in summer. I’m also a big   Denis Wilson, Manager, Marine
       changes; or code, technology, and     fan of podcasts and audiobooks, mostly   Transportation in Regina Office
       security improvements, etc. Most      so I can pretend I’m learning something
       recently we have been busy with Project   while relaxing. I speak multiple languages:  25 YEARS
       Yellowstone (Gavilon’s integration into   English, Serbian, and some German, and I   Robert King Facility Assistant II in
       Viterra’s business systems), as well as   love to travel! I’ve passed my wanderlust   Brandon, MB
       SOX compliance in preparation for the   onto my kids, which is great until they   Sean McCorrister, Assistant Manager in
       Bunge merger.                         start demanding we take spontaneous   Boissevain, MB
                                             trips to ‘that one place they saw on TikTok.’
       What work accomplishment are you
       most proud of?

          Viterra x Bunge integration update

          We’ve made significant progress in our   regulatory approvals and close our   to everyone who has been involved in the
          integration planning with respect to our   deal, which we anticipate will happen   integration planning process so far.
          merger with Bunge. Day one readiness   in early 2025. In the meantime, please   If you have any integration related
          plans are complete, and we look forward   manage your Viterra branded inventory   questions, please refer to the Viterra x
          to a smooth transition on legal day one   accordingly, including stationery,   Bunge section on OurPlace or contact
          and beyond. This includes a rebranding   cheque stocks, promo materials etc.,
          plan that will be implemented in phases   and refrain from ordering new items
          once we receive our outstanding     unless absolutely necessary. Thank you

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