Page 8 - Viterra Vibe_December 2024 (Final)
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Community investment corner Community
Viterra partnered with STARS Air mention goes to North Battleford MC
Ambulance for the 10th year as the who came in a very close second with Hannah O’Connor, CAR in Vegreville,
print sponsor for the STARS Calendar. $7,990.06 as a team AB, is a very active member of her
This year’s campaign ran September 9 Other honourable mentions for top selling community of Andrew, in northern
to November 29 with all grain elevator facilities are Lloydminster with $4,095.06, Alberta.
locations as well as the Regina office Brandon with $3,872.50 and Swift Current She is the coordinator of the Lion’s
selling calendars and merchandise and with $3,690! Club Community Calendar fundraiser.
collecting donations. She also organizes the annual crib
You are still able to make a purchase or
Congratulations to the winners of our donation here. tournament, pancake breakfast and
internal STARS contest which ended Little Christmas through the Lion’s
November 6: Thanks to everyone’s efforts we were able Club.
to raise $49,381 for STARS bringing our 10
• Top selling facility for online year total to $527,880. Congratulations to She can also always be found at
purchases and donations – Swift everyone involved for making this another the local community hall which is
Current with $3,660 in online sales successful year! volunteer run, helping organize perogy
• Top selling facility for all sales and dinners, monthly bingos, and setting
donations – Raymore with $5,008 in up and tearing down for various
overall sales functions. She also sits on the Board
as Treasurer.
• Top selling MC overall for online
purchases and donations – Swift Through the Andrew Ag Society,
Current MC with $7,170 as a team she helps with the annual Memorial
Hockey tournament, ball tournament
• Top selling MC overall for all sales and and Garlic Fest, and she helps run
donations – Swift Current MC with the regular farmers markets and sells
$8,060 as a team! An honourable 50/50s. In the winter months, she
helps run the arena concession and
2024 was Viterra’s 9th consecutive year supporting these growing projects, and Hannah, has also been elected to sit
partnering with the Canadian Foodgrains our employees who have been helping to on the curriculum planning board
Bank through the donation of land at five facilitate our efforts with the Foodgrains for the “Andrew Rural Academy”.
of our grain facilities. Bank for the last nine years.” The Andrew School closed its doors
Producers volunteered their time, Read about the project here. in 2022 and residents are busing
expertise, and resources on 267 acres Thanks to everyone involved with these long distances. As a result, the
at Viterra terminals in Lethbridge and Foodgrains Bank projects, and for Andrew Rural Academy was formed.
Trochu, AB and Balgonie, Grenfell, and supporting this important cause. This is a charter school that blends
Raymore, SK. Proceeds from the sale of science, technology, engineering
the harvested crops are donated to the and mathematics with rural life. In
Foodgrains Bank to support their work addition, to the core STEM subjects,
around the world. programs related to local industries
“As a global industry leader, we recognize and ag are also offered.
the importance of food security and
moving food ingredients to areas of need
safely and efficiently,” said Kyle Jeworski,
CEO of Viterra Canada. “I would like to
thank the Foodgrains Bank for the great
work they do to help fight hunger globally, Harvest at the Raymore Foodgrains Bank
our farmers for their time and effort in project.
Canada’s Ag Day is on February 11, 2025!
We can’t wait to celebrate the hardworking people Are you, or someone at your facility,
who bring us the food we love and the essential involved in giving back to your
contributions of agriculture to ou nation’s prosperity community? Send a note to Viterra.
and well-being! Click here to learn more. so
Send us photos of what you do to celebrate! we can consider highlighting these
contributions in a future Vibe spotlight!